When shopping for anything, including cloth diapers, I am always looking for the best possible deal. Whether that be finding a coupon code, Free Shipping, or an every day low price.
Many stores offer Free Shipping on cloth diapers or you can get Free Shipping after spending a certain amount. This is the most current list of cloth diaper stores offering Free Shipping. If you know of any I have missed please add them in the comments!
Totally Free Shipping-no Minimun Order- for DDL Readers with a Coupon Code- US Only
Modern Cloth– Use Code DDLShipItFree
Sandbox Lane– Use Code DDLfreeship (all 50 states)
Basic Baby– Use Code DDLFree
Totally Free Shipping- No Minimum Order- US Only✴
Diaper Junction* **
Hiney Lineys** (Brand Specific- not a retail store)
Orange Diaper Co** (Brand specific-not a retail store)
Planet Bambini (US and Canada)
Snaps and Snails (US and Canada)
Tiny Birds Organics (US and Canada)
Canada Only
One Posh Baby (Canada)
Worthwhile Mentions:
Amazon sells cloth diapers (among millions of other things) and has a program for Free Shipping on all orders.
These stores usually offer Free Shipping Discounts frequently, or other money saving coupons on a regular basis. To get in on the deals you should sign up for their Newsletters or “Like” them on Facebook!
Kelly’s Closet* ** (Free Shipping over 49$. I personally shop here fairly often. They offer frequent codes for FREE DIAPERS!)
Fluff Envy* (Free Shipping over 35$. Cute Diaper of the Month Program, plus they sell gently used diapers.)
Mom’s Milk Boutique* ** (Free Shipping over 25$. 30 Day Returns on Baby Carriers)
Green Mountain Diapers** (Flat rate Shipping 6.95 and VERY FAST SHIPPING)
*Asterick denotes affiliate links. If you make a purchase through this link I will receive a small percentage. Just another way to help support DDL! **Double Asterick Denotes a DDL fav. I have personally shopped at these stores and found the shipping time fast, customer service excellent, and a great product selection. ✴US Only mostly refers to the 48 continental states, however some in the list do include Alaska and Hawaii and/or APO addresses.
Please note that this list was compiled on August 23, 2011. Certain stores may change their shipping policy without my knowledge. If you do encounter an incorrect listing/policy change that is listed as Free Shipping or if you would like your store to be added to list email dirtydiaperlaundry(at)gmail(dot)com.