Cloth diapers have come such a long way since the days of plastic pants and pins. It is because of the amazing companies who have worked hard to improve the technology of diapers, the chemists who are concocting detergents that leave little to no residue which makes washing diapers that much simpler, and the organizations who promote cloth diapering awareness and help get parents informed on the facts. I wantto talk about those organizations.
The first that comes to mind is the Real Diaper Association. The RDA is a non profit that’s mission is to advocate for cloth diapers. They keep up to date research about the harmful chemicals in disposables, the cost savings of cloth diapers, and everything in between. If you want to learn what the heck those crystals are that magically soak up the urine in a disposable, they have a great fact sheet. The truth is this; many parents don’t even know that there is an alternative to using disposables. I know I didn’t until I ran across cloth diapers on the internet. What if you were at a street fair and there was a booth with information about cloth diapers? Then, maybe, you would have a light switch moment. The RDA is helping mother’s and educators across the nation and Canada to start “Circles” in their hometowns. These Circles will serve as support for cloth parents and outreach. I myself and going to begin training to become a Circle Leader for my hometown. If you are a business or an individual who is passionate about advocating for cloth diapers, please visit their website to learn how you can become a member. RDA is also running a calendar photo contest for babies in cloth diapers. There are some great prizes, so if you have a picture of your adorable baby in fluff you should give it a shot!
Miracle Diapers– I have posted about MD before. They are an organization that helps low income families begin cloth diapering. As many of us know, the road to stash nirvana is a long and winding one. Newborns need 24-36 diapers in a stash; this will keep the mom from only doing 1 load of laundry every other day. Some mothers end up washing every day! Miracle Diapers tries to get families started. They don’t supply a stash, but lend a helping hand. They have recently launched “Cloth Diaper the nation” memberships. Businesses and families can sign up as members for a small fee. There are different levels of memberships, starting at 15.00 and up. I just signed up for a membership, and I hope you will as well. The membership dues are going to a great cause!