This post is part of the Cloth Diapering Bloggers and Dirty Diaper Laundry monthly Cloth Diaper Carnival. We skipped last month but things are back on track. This month’s carnival is themed around Husbands and cloth diapering. Participants really had an open ended theme, so the entries could be humorous stories, tragedies, or tales of fully supportive men! I can’t wait to read them all. To visit the other entries, visit the others linked beneath my post.
I have already written before about my husband and how he tossed a Sustainable Babyish wool soaker in the diaper pail, which was then washed in HOT and dried in the dryer!!! It survived, but was slightly felted. You can read about that here.
I haven’t shared with you a story from the early days. This was before I started this blog, and when our son was just a few months old. Back then I was nursing virtually around the clock. Every weekend I would “sleep in.” My husband would wake up with our son, change his diaper, and entertain him for 1-2 hours before he would be ready to come back to bed with me to nurse and nap.
The morning in question I gave my husband verbal instructions. We were using prefolds and covers during the day, but disposables at night.
I said to my husband, while groggy, “Use the red cover!” since it was still clean. I had it laid out to dry from the night before.
Hours later, after the baby had come to bed with me, nursed, napped, and had woken up, I went to change his diaper. I found a baby wearing a disposable diaper and a red, XS Thirsties cover.
Confused I went to my husband and asked “Why!?!?”
“You told me to put the red cover on him”
“Yes, it was meant to go over a CLEAN diaper.”
“All you said was, ‘Use the red cover’ how was I supposed to know? Plus, I was still half asleep!”
So, my son was in a disposable diaper all night, and a couple of hours the next morning. Except of course, he had a red Thirsties cover over it.
Please read the other bloggers’ entries for the Cloth Diaper Carnival.