I’m so pleased to finally unveil a project over 2 years in the making: Cloth Diapering Solutions for Families in Need and Have Snappi… Will Diaper are the results of a pressing need for booklets that cover low cost cloth diapering solutions that will work for any family on any budget.

Cloth Diapering Solutions for Families in Need is a broad overview of why families on a budget should cloth diaper and contains helpful diagrams for folding techniques that covers prefolds, flats, and more. There is a table showing a breakdown of the cost of cloth diapers at various budget levels beginning at $35. This chart will show you exactly how many weeks worth of disposables you would buy for each level to give you perspective on the money savings cloth diapers can offer at any budget. The book includes general washing instructions for both handwashing and machine, plus how to build a camp style washing machine. It’s 14 pages which includes 4 pages of diagrams for diaper folds.

Have Snappi… Will Diaper is a guide with specific instructions on how to make cloth diapers from materials around the home or purchased second hand. As long as you have a Snappi you can cloth diaper for virtually no money. This booklet also details the $15 cloth diaper stash that consists of t-shirt flats and no-sew fleece cloth diaper covers. This booklet is 10 pages including 1.5 pages of diagrams.

There are two versions of each booklet, one with a beautiful color title page, and one in complete black and white. The black and white version is available for download so that you can print it for your use with the option to donate.  

Download Cloth Diapering Solutions B&W Download Have Snappi... Will Diaper... B&W [typography size=”24″ size_format=”px”]I’ve made each book available for FREE. [/typography]

My purpose in creating these booklets wasn’t to earn money from them, it was to help educators who need materials to distribute to their clients. After beginning the Flats and Handwashing Challenge three years ago I’ve learned a lot from participating and from the others involved. I also realized that there was a need for a book that anyone could download and print to distribute to their classes. There are many individuals working locally with families through food pantries, WIC, women’s centers, and hospitals that have expressed a need for helpful literature that could be printed and given out. Printing booklets can be expensive so to make sure each page could be printed in black and white to be cost effective I reached out to Erin of Human Illustrations to create line drawings for the booklet. She did a wonderful job bringing each fold and idea to life in a form that wouldn’t use a ton of ink like photographs would.  My son, upon seeing the drawings as I worked on the book, kept asking “who is that baby?” or “what’s that baby’s name?” so the baby is now named Angus.  It was the first name that came to mind…

The book is free but I am asking anyone who can to make “donate” an amount of their choice when downloading. I fronted the cost of the illustrations used in the booklet and might have a monthly fee associated with hosting the booklet if it becomes popular. The donations will go towards those fees to keep it online in this beautiful format through the online publisher.

[typography size=”24″ size_format=”px”]Make a Donation[/typography]

Even though the booklets are free the content within, including the wonderful illustrations, are not available for re-publishing. If you would like to direct people to download the booklets from your website I would be thrilled, but do not post the images from within the book.

It feels amazing to finally have each of these available to the public. Please go and do good things, help families learn to empower their lives through the use of inexpensive cloth diapers, teach them how to wash their diapers, and send them home with this resource for their reference. If you decide to use these please leave a comment with where and how; it would be very fulfilling to learn how many families have been helped by the booklets.

