THANK GOD I didn’t listen to my husband around a year ago when he said, “Honey, you should write a book about cloth diapers.”
Chances are that Kelly Wels was already very hard at work writing her book Changing Diapers: The Hip Mom’s Guide to Modern Cloth Diapering, about cloth diapers. And considering how good her book is, I don’t think I could have competed! The good news is that now the world has a wonderful and concise guide to Modern Cloth Diapers!
Kelly sent a copy my way last week and I gobbled it up in 1 hour (disclaimer- I am an extraordinarily fast reader. Others may find it is 1.5-3 hours). The fact that it was a short read makes me love it even more. There is no need to have a book with 5 hours worth of reading about cloth diapers.
The book is divided into very clever and easy to follow Chapters. Sometimes as a cloth diapering expert you forget how other parents are completely unaware of even the most basic cloth diaper terminology. Kelly really breaks it down into easy to swallow bites until by the end the reader has a very good base of knowledge.
What would a good book be without photos?
The images in Changing Diapers made the book. Not just the photos, but the drawings. I wish I could steal all of the adorable drawings of the different diapers! Mwahaha! There are a variety of photos showing babies in different brands of cloth diapers. There are also real life (non professional) images as well, including one at the end of the book of babies wearing their bumGenius Artist Series diapers in front of the Today Show. I love that photo so I’m really glad that was included. I do think Everett should have been a model in the book though! He is the perfect cloth diaper model!
Did I forget to mention that I am also in the book?!
Kelly was kind enough to include as a great cloth diapers resource. She even included too! I am so thankful for the mention and excited about the potential to reach new readers who may find me in the book.
The internet has millions of articles on cloth diapering. Some are fabulous and some are spam. The new parent doesn’t always have the ability to decipher. Not to mention that not everyone enjoys researching cloth diapers on the internet. It is an overwhelming task (I’ve been there and I remember). Having a book with all of the information you need to choose the best cloth diapers for you and learning how to care for them is something that has been needed for a long time.
I am planning on buying a few of these books to have onhand for baby shower gifts. I will couple it with a teeny tiny newborn cloth diaper. Maybe, even the most reluctant mother-to-be might be drawn into reading the book because she is hoping to use that diaper.
Finally- a tangible educational tool on cloth diapers. I am very excited about the book and so proud of Kelly for her hard cloth diaper advocacy. There is no one more qualified to write such a book!
Get your pre-ordered, authographed copy of Kelly Wels’ Changing Diapers: A Hip Mom’s Guide To Modern Cloth Diapering for only $10 for a limited time! Use discount code DDLBOOK at .
(Coupon will deduct $7.95 off of every book purchased. Coupon code expires June 30th)
5 Lucky DDL Readers will win a copy of Changing Diapers: The Hip Mom’s Guide to Cloth Diapers!
Each winner will receive a gift certificate to ( that will cover the cost of the book and standard shipping.
Amanda A.
Lace lk
Baby and the Chis
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I’d like to give it to friends because everyone says “it is so hard” when I tell them I use cloth.
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My name appears above as a winner of the book gift certificate. This is my first time signing up for a giveaway and my first win!! I am super excited but I am not sure what to do. Please help!
I’m waiting for the codes then I will email!
Ok, thanks!! I am super excited. I never win anything!!
BTW: I want to tell you that in my extreme amount of reading and research (when I start thinking about something, I kind of obsess) you have, by far, the best blog. Your reviews are interesting and helpful and you explain yourself well. Plus you have super cute kids. Keep up the good work.
As a mom who’s trying to learn the ins & outs of cloth diapering, I’m excited to get my hands on this book!