Saturday April 21, 2012 marked the second Great Cloth Diaper Change where parents around the world attempted to break the Guinness Book of World Record™ for most cloth diapers changed simultaneously.  There were an estimated 300 locations located in 17-18 countries.  Some parents even woke up their babies to change them at 6:30 am!

Last year I was living in Syracuse, NY and attended the event hosted by Basic Baby.  This year I was supposed to be in my new home in Tampa, Florida but we are still waiting…. Instead I was still in Charlotte, NC so I was able to be involved with the GCDC hosted by Jack be Natural.  Stacy was kind enough to let me set up a table to sell my new line of cloth diaper t-shirts too!

I wore 3 hats that day- Manning my booth and selling “Cloth Rocks” shirts, changing my son as part of the world record, and photographing the event.  I’m still getting the hang of my camera in Manual (my journey) so not every shot is amazing but I have selected 40 of my favorites.  You can view them in the gallery below.