Part 1.

Part 2.
I haven’t packed anything away yet.  It just feels too soon… I know Everett is potty trained and has done an amazing job at getting to a diaper-free point so quickly.  In fact, it was so quick that I feel like I’ve been transported to this spot.  The transition was lightning fast.  One day- diapers.  Next day- none.  When I potty trained my first son I had a new baby in diapers so the diapers kept being used, just not by the older one.

They won’t stay there forever.  I promise.  I just don’t have the heart to move them from their home.  It feels so permanent.  It isn’t that I’m attached to the diapers themselves, even though I do love cloth diapering and what it has done for me on a personal and professional level.  It is what it signifies.  My son is not a baby anymore.  We still have our time together nursing and I’m in no rush to wean him yet because he enjoys that cuddle time, as do I.  When that is over I might need a mini-break-down, sobbing in the bathroom, full on crying session.

As for what will happen for the rest of my diapers?  I don’t know yet.  I still have many diapers left to donate to Giving Diapers, Giving Hope once they re-open for national shipping.  I will continue to have a steady stream of diapers to donate to their organization since every diaper sent for me to film for a review gets donated.  I want to keep several of my diapers for sentimental reasons.  I regret not keeping any of Everett’s newborn diapers- I shipped every single one to a friend who was pregnant.  We agreed she would pass them on to another friend when done, and another, and another.  I believe Everett’s newborn stash has diapered at least 5 other babies last I heard.  Everett loves his Zelda diaper so I think that one is staying for sure.  I don’t think another baby is in the cards, despite how many times Fletcher has asked for us to have “3 kids,” so saving them all isn’t in my plan.

I hope everyone has enjoyed this little look at my stash and how I store my cloth diapers.  I get asked often about what diapers I choose to use considering how many diapers have come into my home.  I have my favorites and my loyalties, now you can see exactly what I loved and used on a day to day basis.