It is Day 2 of the 3rd Annual Flats and Handwashing Challenge, that yearly even where we only use flat cloth diapers and handwash them for 7 days. Our second day will focus on the diapers and other items we are using. Since flats are so economical it will be fun to see what our other participants have spent to participate!
This year I didn’t purchase any new flats for the Challenge since I already had quite a few.
My flats-
4 Ikea Flats (2 packs of 2) from last year- $6.00
8 Target Flour Sack Towels (2 packs)- $8.00
9 Diaper Rite bleached flats from Diaper Junction- $13.50 (I have given some away… which is why I don’t have a dozen)
3 t-shirts as diapers- $1.50 total from thrift store
4 flats made from an XXL shirt- $1.00 for all 4! (Tutorial to make cheap and easy t-shirt flats)
$30.00 TOTAL for all flats.
My Covers-
Since I review diapers for a living I have several covers but I only chose to use a few that have been in my collection for a long time.
Thirsties Duo Wrap Size 2- 14.95
Swaddlebees Capri Cover- 16.95
Blueberry One Size Coverall- 16.95
Applecheeks Envelope Covers (2) Size 2- $38.00
$86.85 TOTAL covers cost.
The total cost is $116.85. I realize these aren’t the cheapest covers on the market but I also didn’t want to run off and purchase more covers when I already had many. Even though the grand total is over $100 this is a very economical amount to spend on a stash of cloth diapers. I counted everything I laid out to use, however my gut tells me I will only use about 10 flats total from what I have, if that, and 2 covers each day. Since I will wash every 1-2 days that still isn’t too bad! If you have to get a stash of cloth diapers for less there are ways to cut cost by using cheaper covers and maybe even sticking to the t-shirt flats since they are about .25 each! I have listed many options for getting cheap cloth diapers on another post that you might find helpful.
I also already had a bucket around here, and my breathing washer (pictured on the right, affiliate linked to Amazon) from the first year’s event.
Now I want to know what you spent on your stash? Link up your blog posts! If you aren’t blogging tell me in the comments! I wonder who spent the least?!