I started cloth diapering way back in 2008… at this point that seems like an eternity ago. I was using diapers then that in some cases no longer exist, or the earlier forms of those brands that we know today. My stash started out very humble because we were a newly married couple, straight out of college, living in a 2 bedroom apartment upstairs in Central New York. The closest diaper store was 2 hours away in Ithaca, NY so I mostly relied on online sales, Craigslist, and Diaperswappers to obtain my diapers. For my newborn I used a lot of prefolds and some really terrible WAHM “all in ones” that I shudder just thinking about. GOD those were awful! They gave WAHM diapers a bad name in my eyes for a while until I realized it was not the norm. I also had a large number of plain white bumGenius 3.0’s I obtained from Craigslist.
I began slowly adding to my original stash and probably caught the cloth diaper “bug” for collecting when GroBaby came out. I ordered a few to try out (these original GroBaby diapers are what inspired me to launch my website and video reviews thankyouverymuch) and then ordered a diaper here, a diaper there as I started to really get into it. My beautiful stash was ever evolving from the beginning but once I started receiving diapers from companies who asked me to review them for Dirty Diaper Laundry it was a revolving door. A few years ago I decided that all review diapers would be shipped to Giving Diapers, Giving Hope or another charity/worthy cause so for anyone curious- I do not own 400 diapers.
1. 3 WAHM made prefolds- bamboo velour. 2. 8 white bumGenius 3.0’s- 4 were converted to snaps by a WAHM.3. Blueberry Deluxe Pocket 4. 2 bumGenius Organic AIO’s (now called Elemental) . 5. GroBaby 6. Blueberry Deluxe Pocket 7. Smartipants One Size 8. bumGenius Organic AIO 9. bumGenius 3.0 10. GAD (Green Acre Designs) sized pocket. 11. bumGenius Organic AIO 12. bumGenius 3.0 13. Pointy Tab Fuzzibunz 14. GroBaby 15. Sweet Pea (I think… for some reason I can’t pin this one down!) 16. bumGenius 3.0 17. bumGenius Organic AIO 18. GroBaby 19. Piddle Poddle fitteds 20. TK Cuddlers One Size Pocket 21. Goodmama fitted in Pollock print 22. ES Baby Covers[/typography]