I’ve been wanting to put together a compilation of themed cloth diapers for a while, and considering today is World Babywearing Educator Day and this weekend some of our readers will be attending WEAR in Chicago, it seemed natural to put together a list of ten of my favorite babywearing related cloth diapers.
The first cloth diaper I remember seeing was sold in 2014 by Binky D Diapers. This was a limited run but I’ve seen this design pop up from time to time in the B/S/T group and I love how simple and colorful it is.
One of my favorite custom embroidered diapers has always been BottomBumpers, I remember finding those in a local cloth diaper shop in my hometown and being enamored with their sweet designs. Back in 2014 they created an exclusive for an adorable kids’ store called The Changing Table and it looks like they still have just a couple in stock.
MonkeeBumz is a US Wahm I’ve had my eye on for a while (I have a weakness for her Doctor Who and Firefly/Serenity themed merch) and she has a fantastic bold and gender neutral diaper in her shop that takes the babywearing theme one step further.
Chelory is one of my favorite WAHMs, I have a couple of her classic all in one diapers that I rely on as well made and beautiful diapers I can grab and use at a moment’s notice. She offers custom embroidery and this diaper is one you can request.
Kissing Blake is another popular WAHM diaper, known for being the ultimate overnight diaper as they come jam packed with loads of absorbency. The site currently offers a fitted with a babywearing embroidery design on it (as well as a few other popular designs) that caught my eye.
Stink Bombs is a cloth diaper brand I am unfamiliar with, it looks like it may be a generic relabel, but a local mama posted one of their diapers on a B/S/T page and the design caught my eye for this post.
Bad2TheBunz is a WAHM with lots of fun prints and designs. She recently whipped up a special babywearing themed diaper to be raffled off at her local Great Cloth Diaper Change event. She offers custom orders and this is one mama on my bucket list of great diapers to try. She’s local to North Carolina and always posting great pictures.
A somewhat similar colorway and emblem design can be found in a listing within the jaw droppingly vast variety of designs offered by Sassy Bumz. I get lost looking through all the diapers these folks have come up with over the years, and often find amazing deals stalking the B/S/T boards.
Another style of diaper that doesn’t feature images of babywearing but is instead made with beautiful wrap scraps is the wrap scrap fitted. One gorgeous diaper you may recall reading a review on here was the Tiny Tunas Harmony fitted. Their page hasn’t been updated lately but you can still find their name on various resale pages and these beauties hold up very well over time.
Another amazing wrap scrap diaper (I believe these ones are a pocket diaper made with PUL sandwiched behind the beautiful wrap scrap) comes from popular WAHM retailer Honeybuns. This family run business is picking back up after a husband with appendicitis and a sister with a newborn put a bit of a kink in business as usual, but it’s worth stalking to snag one of the gorgeous goodies.