It occured to me a few days ago that my refrigerator was telling on me. How is that? Refrigerators can’t talk!
They can’t, but they can sure call me out in many ways. On the outside my refrigerator is a window into my family, my temperament, my habits, and more. The disorganized photos, coupons, random magnets, and outdated calendar all tell a story.
Admit it: you go to a playdate/barbeque/dinner/party and find yourself looking at your friend’s refrigerator. Intentionally or not you are learning more about that person than you might after weeks of conversations. Lots of dental appointments probably mean their teeth are jacked up. Drug problem? Or maybe not.. let’s not jump to conclusions. An organized family calendar full of soccer practice, church choir, recitals, etc is just a sign of a Mom who is far more in control of her life than I am. We are looking at others through our own filters and comparing ourselves, but who doesn’t?
[quote style=”boxed”]You can’t trust a person with nothing on their fridge. -Me[/quote]
I would invite you all in to look at my fridge but I only know a few of you who live close enough! Instead, I grabbed my camera and snapped a photo, resisting the urge to straighten up or remove anything incriminating.
A. Everett with his “1” Pumpkin.
B. Random photo of my In-Laws’ neighbors
C. Fletcher with his Uncle in San Antonio
D. Suzanne from and I in the photo booth at BlogHer ’11.
E. My SIL and Future BIL at Disney
F. My SIL and Future BIL. Great picture of them!
G.Fletcher last November for his “2” Leaf photo.
H. Fletcher about 6 months old.
I. Fletcher and Everett in a brothers hugging pose.
J. Julie the “Cloth Diaper Geek” and I at BlogHer ’11
K. Everett at 11 months old. I love his outfit in this one.
L. Fletcher’s 3rd Birthday Party Invite
M. The boys with Santa LAST YEAR (photo has been up all year)
N. Our Family Portrait taken when Fletcher was 11 months old. We were just a family of 3 then.
O. Fletcher and his Great-Grandmother 1 month before she passed away. He was about 18 months old.
A. Snowflake Chip belonging to item K. to mark days until X-Mas.
B. 2 Food related ceramic magnets I got for X-Mas from my Aunt Tit. (Not her real name.)
C. Obligatory Pediatrician Magnet with contact numbers
D. Lion Butt and Lion Head. Belongs to a set of heads and butts that are mostly lost.
E. GEN-Y “Save the World Cloth Diaper”
F. Orlando magnet from hubby’s work trip.
G. Savannah GA magnet from vacation when I was 7 months pregnant with Fletcher. Ankles were tree trunks, it was summer.
H. “Happy Birthday” photo frame magnet.
I. Fort Pulaski magnet. Same Savannah, GA trip. I almost passed out touring that place. I was HOT.
J. “Aloha”
K. “Countdown to Christmas” At some point this will make sense. It took up a massive amount of real estate but never made it to the Xmas stuff box in the basement. Dec 1. is right around the corner.
L. “Kissed on Both Cheeks” magnet from my MIL
M. San Diego Magnet from the hotel gift shop when I went for BlogHer ’11
N. LeapFrog Fridge Farm with all of ONE magnet left. “purple purple purple cow.” You know what I’m talking about…
O. Pumpease Breastmilk Storage Guidelines. AWESOME and handy.
P. Gently Borne Midwifery contact numbers for my homebirth midwife
Q. Tampa Zoo from a vacation there when Fletcher was about 6 months old.
R. Shape of NC, my home state. The front peeled off but I can’t seem to throw it away.
S. Cool Spiderman Magnet. Fletcher loves it.
T. OCCRA letter opener
U. 4 Animal Shapes meant for a magnadoodle thingy but it sucked so I threw it away.
V. Another Orlando Magnet? hmmm..
W. Green Baby Shoppe, semi local cloth diaper store
X. 3 Mario Bros themed magnets custom ordered from Etsy to be cupcake toppers at Fletcher’s 1st Bday Party
Y. 4 month old Fletcher made into a magnet.
a. Babysitter’s number/name on a Post -it.
b. Artwork by Everett. Underneath are more works of art by Fletcher.
c. Painting by Fletcher that reminds me of an anatomical heart.
d. August calendar from Paper Coterie…. it is November
e. Sticker remains of a Pediatrician appt of yore
f. Fletcher’s artwork. It was the first time he traced a shape (an ice cream cone)
g. BEST POSTCARD EVER. A woman holding farm fresh chicken eggs, nude, with her bearded partner. It’s an ad for my midwife. Totally reminds me of the Yert SNL Homebirth Sketch.
So there ya have it. It is obvious by my fridge that I:
have kids.
have been to various gift shops and paid an arm and a leg for a souvenier magnet.
am not good at cleaning my fridge off.
do not use paper calendars.
If only I were brave enough to show you the INSIDE of my fridge…
What’s on YOUR Fridge?
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Tell me in the comments what's on your fridge too!