I was reminded of a post I made a year ago for Fletcher that I wrote listing out all of the reasons I loved him.  It is only fair that I do the same for Everett.  I am also planning on doing another list for my 3 Year Old Fletcher when that time comes.

What I love about my son, Everett

I love the sweet way he leans in every time I ask for a kiss.  He never puckers, just leans and waits.

I love how he signs for “milk” when he is ready to nurse.

I love his drive to fill a bucket with objects and dump out the contents.

I love that he only wakes a few times a night and has since he was born.

I love the song he sings as he falls asleep in my arms every night.

I love that he has been able to stand for months but seems to be waiting to walk until he is 14 months, like his brother.

I love the way he pushes anyone’s hands away when he is being held by me.  He wants to be with me!

I love the two curls that flip out behind each ear and make him look like Grandpa Munster.

I love the fat on the top of his feet.

I love the way he smiles.  It is more than a smile, it takes over his face.

I love the way he holds out his arms to his dad when he walks in from work.

I love that he will sit in a high char while we eat out and behave.

I love that he thinks a crayon is the best toy to hold, much cooler than that 10.00 clutch toy.

I love that he is the total opposite of his brother in almost every single way and it keeps me on my toes.

I love his butt.  It is the chunkiest, cutest, biggest butt on a baby I have ever seen.

I love that he isn’t a terribly messy eater.

I love the way he says Mama.

I love that his first word was Dada.

I love the way he laughs with his brother.

I love that every time I hear an unsettling quiet I check on him and he is “reading” books, not making a mess.

I love the way he buries his head into my shoulder and pretends to be shy when greeted by a stranger.

I love the sound of his giggle.

I love that he blows out of his mouth when I wipe his nose to mimic the sound.  Good try buddy.

I love how he points with his tiny finger at everything.

I love how he covers his ears and rocks side to side when we say “Ay Dios Mio”

I love that he instinctively signs “more” the same way his brother did (and still does)

I love that he uses his Wheely Bug Bee as a walker and ZOOMS across our hardwood floors at warp baby speed.

I love how proud he is of himself when he puts crayons to paper.

I love that he is starting to cuddle.

I love that he will wear hats and not take them off.

I love that he plays by himself well.

I love his beautiful blue eyes.


Our first year together has brought so much love and happiness into my life.  Seeing my two boys play together has made the difficult aspects of becoming a family of four a distant memory.  I know Everett will fight with Fletcher, and life isn’t always easy, but remembering the best moments makes the bitter days easier to swallow.  He has been a much easier baby than Fletcher was.  He is still a baby but soon he will be walking and I’ll be aching for another squishy.  That is why I am in no rush for him to walk!

In case you missed it, I compiled my favorite images and videos into a Slideshow of Everett’s first year.