After some thought I did decide that I will be live tweeting my homebirth! Due to the unpredictable nature of labor I don’t know when/ how often I will update. I have told my husband what I want done and he will take over updates once I get to a point where I would rather not be tweeting.
So, here are the details:
Follow me on Twitter if you aren’t already. @KimRosas
Watch my updates. When I do go into labor, I will begin tweeting with the #twitterbirth hashtag. If I am lucky, no one else will be tweeting their birth with this hashtag as well. This way, you could search for it (or just read my stream) to see all of my updates.
Not on Twitter and you don’t want to join? I will be choosing some updates to also be shared on my Facebook Fan Page ( If we update with less frequency I may share them all. I just don’t want to overtake anyone’s feed!
In addition, I will post to the blog once I go into labor (a pre-written blog post will go up just reminding you to follow Twitter/Facebook for the updates.)
I will be signing my updates as -K, my husband will be -S, and if my doula gets in on the action she will be -M.
You are welcome to root me on by tweeting back at me or by commenting on a facebook update. I will keep Tweetgrid open to view replies for a good morale boost if I need it!
Less than 2 weeks until my due date, so let’s just say I should definitely have a baby within the next 4 weeks!