Dirty Diaper Laundry is one of the web’s most trusted and prolific resources for cloth diapering information.  There isn’t much that hasn’t been covered here and if it hasn’t been written about that means I am not an expert on it.  I typically shy away from washing cloth diapers questions but everything else is fair game!

When you are first researching cloth diapers you are going to have a lot of questions and with a blog this large sometimes it can be hard to find the answers.  Your first stop is going to be the page “Cloth Diaper Information” where I have archived nearly all of my best articles for you.  You’ll definitely want to pin that page or bookmark it for reference.

If you want to go back and watch all of my video cloth diaper reviews of the more than 140+  cloth diapers I have filmed then there are various ways to do this.  If you’d like to read my review of the diaper and see the video the easiest way to do this is by going to the Cloth Diaper Video Reviews page.  There you will find a page full of diaper images.  Click the diaper you want to learn more about and be redirected to a new page with that video and review.  You can also utilize my Cloth Diaper Finder!  If you really want to be specific and want a video for a certain kind of diaper then select the features you want and also check the box “Show only diapers with videos.”  Then click “view details” and a window will pop up.  Next click “View Video.”

The last way you can view my videos is directly in YouTube on my Channel.  I have set up playlists that will make browsing for videos easier.  There are playlists for types of diapers, a playlist with all of my video reviews, and other kinds of playlists.  If you never want to miss a video I would suggest subscribing to either my YouTube channel directly and/or my RSS feed.


The coolest resource that Dirty Diaper Laundry offers is the Cloth Diaper Finder.  This searchable cloth diaper database is the only place on the Internet where you can find your dream cloth diaper.  The uses are pretty limitless but most people use this database as a tool to find a brand of diaper that will match their needs and wants.  If you are looking for a One Size, Pocket, Made in the USA, that comes in prints and also has snaps then you can input these options and see the diapers that pop up.  From there you can watch my review if I have done one, you can find a link to purchase the diaper, and you can also see even more details including the type of inserts, the lining, the elastic, and even how many rows of snaps are on the rise.  For more vague searches you can simply put “All-in-One” to see all the diapers in this style, or even find diapers Made in the USA by checking that box.

Speaking of “Made in the USA” I have one more resource for you- the Made in US and Canada page.  Here I have listed many companies that manufacture their diapers in the US and Canada.  For any parent looking to buy domestically this is a great place to start.

With over 1,000 posts it can be hard to find what you need or maybe something you remember reading but then can’t find!  There is a search box here on the blog.  I use this myself when looking for older articles I need to reference in other posts.  Type in the words you are looking for and hopefully you find what you are looking for!

One last place to start poking around is the Menu Bar.  I have categories listed underneath my blog’s header.  Several are listed including “Cloth Diapers.”  Hover over the name and a drop down will appear with sub categories like “Intro to Cloth Diapers” which is a series showing each type of cloth diaper in a video and post and “Flats Challenge” which will take you to the archived posts about handwashing flat cloth diapers.

[fblike url=”http://facebook.com/dirtydiaperlaundry” style=”standard” float=”left” showfaces=”false” width=”450″ verb=”like” font=”arial”] If you still can’t find what you are looking for or have more questions then come over to my Facebook Page where I can be found answering questions and talking even more about cloth diapers.  If you find DDL helpful and decide to purchase cloth diapers I’d love you to purchase through my affiliates since a portion of your sale will go back to the website.  Kelly’s Closet, Diaper Junction, and Sweetbottoms Baby are a few.