Autumn is such a sweet and happy baby, so easy going and communicative. Harper was by comparison a much more quiet and serious infant, wanting to be held every second but not interested in eye contact or talking/singing until many long and frustrating months later. I don’t know if their births are responsible for their demeanors (Harper arrived via an emergency c section, Autumn was delivered with a drug free vbac) or if they just have very strong personalities that revealed early on. Harper is very loving but still will not accept cuddles or kisses unless they are her idea, and she will whine and wail if I dare to sing (I swear my voice isn’t that bad). I’m so curious to see how their personalities develop as they get older, especially as they spend more time with other children.


I was so very lucky to receive Tushmate’s brand new all in one newborn diaper to try, just in time for Autumn’s arrival. The design of this diaper is so unique and practical, and aesthetically pleasing as well with sweet (but not cloying) gender neutral shades of orange, yellow, light blue, and chocolate brown to choose from.

[typography font=”Crafty Girls” size=”24″ size_format=”px”]Ease of Use✩✩✩✩✩[/typography] Tushmate’s all in one style diaper can be worn and washed as assembled with no issues in most cases. The stay dry liner has two tiny snaps that can be opened to release the tongue style insert for a more thorough wash and faster dry, but with my exclusively breastfed baby I found I was able to leave it assembled more often than not. This diaper has the most amazing hook and loop tape I’ve ever encountered, it is so thin and soft yet strong, and if you open the hook side and run your finger across it, it feels smooth and will not scratch like many other styles can. The tape allows for a perfect fit on your newborn, even when that fit changes by the day (and sometimes the hour, they grow so fast!) so you always have a secure yet comfortable diaper on your baby.

[typography font=”Crafty Girls” size=”24″ size_format=”px”]Bang for the Buck✩✩✩✩✩[/typography] At only 15.98 for an all in one diaper made with quality materials and an excellent design, this is truly a bargain. Most all in one style newborn diapers are closer to twenty dollars, and when you are trying to build a stash (I believe twenty four is the magic number with newborns who need to be changed every hour or so and tired parents who can’t do laundry every second) that difference adds up quickly.

[typography font=”Crafty Girls” size=”24″ size_format=”px”]Performance ✩✩✩[/typography] Tushmate believes in using natural fibers when possible, so the insert that folds and tucks under the liner is made of forty percent hemp and sixty percent organic cotton. This will require some prep to reach maximum absorbency, and can sometimes be considered to be a bit slower to absorb. Autumn tends to let it all out and seems to be a heavy wetter, so if your baby tends to go a lot all at once it can overwhelm the diaper and cause leaks. Tushmate has anticipated this issue, however, and left plenty of room under that snap down liner for you to add an additional insert. I found that layering a small microfiber insert (which is included in the TushMate Newborn AIO Package) between the stay dry liner and the hemp/cotton insert allowed the microfiber to quickly absorb liquids, and while microfiber doesn’t hold as much it then would more slowly absorb into the natural fiber insert underneath. If you have a newborn who wets a little at a time throughout the day you will find this unnecessary, but for us this simple addition was a lifesaver.


[typography font=”Crafty Girls” size=”24″ size_format=”px”]Fit ✩✩✩✩✩[/typography] The Tushmate newborn is equipped with a pair of itty bitty rise snaps to help stretch the wear on this sweet little diaper even longer. My daughter surprised me by coming into this world nearly eight pounds and growing every day since. Still, her Tushmate diaper fit her all the way up to fourteen pounds as suggested, with the tape just reaching the sides of her round little tummy. This diaper is surprisingly trim for something so adjustable in size, and fit nicely under all Autumn’s tiny newborn clothes without issue.

[typography font=”Crafty Girls” size=”24″ size_format=”px”]Overall:[/typography] While I did need to supplement this diaper to make it work for us, it is possible that with more washes the absorbency may have increased, and if I’d had a smaller newborn (this diaper is rated to fit a baby as small as five pounds) it may have also resolved the issue I dealt with. Regardless, this design is built to accommodate an additional insert, and Tushmate found a way to do so that is still pretty and practical. I am so impressed with the construction of this diaper and the fit (and the hook and loop tape!) that I think any new parent should try it. This cloth diaper also makes a perfect baby shower gift, and at that low price point, I’m dying to see someone put together a little cloth diaper cake with these babies. How sweet would that be?

Tushmate’s Newborn AIO was named DDL’s Favorite Newborn of 2014!

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[typography font=”Crafty Girls” size=”24″ size_format=”px”]Where to Buy:[/typography] You can find the Newborn Tushmate from
