I am patiently (mostly) waiting to go into labor. As of now I am 5 days “overdue” if my due date is to be trusted. The thing is, my baby takes directions pretty well. Here is why:
First, my in-laws, who are going to drive here from North Carolina (12 hours), couldn’t come until after the 8th. I waited until the 8th and felt relief when that date passed. It will be nice to have them here to play with Fletcher.
Then, my main midwife was going to be out of town the 8th through the 11th. I have been seeing 2 midwives but she is the CNM. The evening of the 11th arrived and the baby was still baking. Midwife called and said she was back in town, all systems go. Sweet.
Around this time my husband had a nasty cold and was acting like the biggest baby on the planet. Here I am waddling around, with a giant thing inside me, and he is being pitiful and absolutely NO HELP around the house. Also, bringing a newborn into cold infested air sucks. Now he is over it.
My husband has also been super busy at work with a big project. He goes in early, he comes home late, and he works in the evening from home. Seems like this is going to be done after this week so he can be off of work without working from home as much and stressing about this. That is good news.
The biggest worry has been that my toddler has regressed in his sleeping habits. For the past 3 weeks he has been waking at night. He screams and won’t go back to his bed, when normally I can just give him a cuddle and he will go back to sleep in his bed. So he started sleeping with us at least half of the night again. 2 nights ago I decided it had to end before the baby arrived. He woke twice that night and I managed to get him back to sleep in his bed both times. Last night he slept all night in his bed again! Please say he is over this! What a wonderful thing that would be! The great thing is that I actually just talked to him and told him he was a big boy and needed to sleep in his bed. He nodded and said “yeah” and let me put him in bed that night. Amazing! He is growing up so fast!
The last thing on my list I wanted to do was see Jackass 3D. I am going to try and see it today. My hope is I will laugh until my water breaks!
Do you think my little tummy baby is really listening for the perfect time to come out? I do, because anytime before today would have been less than perfect. He is welcome to come any day now!