This post is part of “All About Babywearing” Month (which turned into months…) on Dirty Diaper Laundry.
As we continue on with “All About Babywearing” Month which can taken over the beginning of November as well, I am reliving my babywearing past on DDL. I have posted quite a few entries about Babywearing, or photos of us in a favorite carrier. Here are some oldies but goodies…
Babywearing FTW- Where I discover that Babies in pouches=people magnets.
An Ode to Babywearing- A Picture Post from Tampa FL.
Daddy Babywearing- Photos from our weekend, littered with babywearing pics
Fireworks and Babywearing- My first experience with Woven Wraps
Ergo, How I love thee…- I count the ways that I love my Ergo
How to Nurse in an Ergo- A video Tutorial
How Did People Ever Live Without…- Babywearing of Yore
SInce many of these posts I have learned a lot more about Babywearing, and tried a lot of new carriers. It was a lot of fun looking back to the days when I was wearing my son 5-10 hours at a time while traveling.