Some of you have expressed interest in my home reno/decorating progress.  This is consuming most of my time so it makes sense to use it as blog material.

This week I focused heavily on finding pieces for the entryway.  In our old home we had a small bench with storage and this sufficed.  This home has a wider, longer entry and the bench looked a little ridiculous.  The hallway also started out orange. It was the first room to be painted in the house but until this week sat untouched.

After browsing Pinterest and other websites for hours trying to find a practical and appropriate way to fill the space without being too “formal” and traditional but still needing it was a photo a friend posted for a paint color that caught my eye!  The photo had one chair and an entryway table.  Initially I was looking for a long console but having chairs might work too.  I hit Pinterest again and found the photo for inspiration:


The chairs were traditional but clean and I liked the ottoman idea in the middle. I was hoping to score a set of chairs at a thrift store since I knew buying new would cost a fortune.

I snapped a blurry pic because the children were running from me. Story of my life.

As fate would have it I ran into my dream chairs at Salvation Army. I walked in with the boys and they were right in the front. Two white upholstered, Mid Century style chairs. I’m a sucker for Mid Century furniture. I love the lines. I’ve wanted to start changing our furniture over but really nice pieces are expensive and I’m usually no good at finding these things! I worried they would be too low so I texted my husband a photo. By the time he replied I had already left the store because my children were running wild! I had forgotten my BobaAir and Ev won’t sit in a cart.

I couldn’t stop thinking about the chairs. The more I thought about them the more I knew they had to come home with me. The kids needed naps so I couldn’t go back right away. I called the store and asked them to hold them until I could get there but the manager said they couldn’t. He assured me it was a slow day and they would probably be there in a few hours.

When the kids awoke we left immediately! I took my tape measure to see if the chairs would even fit into the trunk of my car. I did another once over for damage and they were in near pristine condition minus some scuffed white paint from a wall and one scratch on the arm. The upholstery had some yellowing but I want to replace it down the line. I’m not a math whiz but I figured they would puzzle in, but barely.

I paid for them (all $80.00 for the two!) and the manager helped me get them in my trunk. They were MINE. I loaded them in my hallway and fell in love! Perfection. They were meant to be mine.

Next I needed a table for in between. I spied two that might work at the same store, one was the old school low octagonal table, but I would need to refinish them. I looked online and didn’t find much. The table needed to be low.

After reading a blog post on MODG (THE 11 STEPS TO GETTING THE BEST STUFF ON CRAIGSLIST WITHOUT GETTING MURDERED)  I remembered, DUH, check craigslist! I used my Ultimate Craigslist App to search for “table” in my area. Three possible contenders, one was sold, one never replied, and one was in St. Pete which is almost an hour away. The third option was my favorite but it wasn’t a table, it was a credenza. The height would probably be too much. However it was Mid Century and a 1950’s piece. Stylistically it was perfect. I photoshopped to (what I thought) was scale based on the measurements and it clicked. Friday while Fletcher was in Pre-K I made the trip. I measured my trunk and figured it would fit. If it didn’t I was prepared to remove Fletcher’s car seat for the extra space but that would be a pain.


On the way to St. Pete I arranged a breakfast with Calley, The Eco Chic, since I would be in her neck of the woods. Then onward to a little warehouse. It was hard to find and the GPS was clueless so I had to phone back and forth. The clouds overhead were looming and I feared a downpour. I arrived and saw my credenza. Not a scratch on her. Solid wood, glass sliding doors, and replaced legs with brass tips. The tapered legs, while not original, added a lot to the look and I loved them. SOLD! Except…. I forgot to swing by the ATM or ask her preferred method of payment. Of course, cash only she said. Ugh. Rain was still threatening and I had to find an ATM. Ev and I drove out and found a bank. I returned with my case and we dissassembled the doors and legs. I ended up having to remove Fletcher’s seat and put it in front so his seat would fold. It fit in my car by the skin of its teeth. I only had 1.5 hours to get home, get lunch, remove the large item (alone), re-install the seat, and pick up Fletcher. The drive was 45 minutes. Zoinks!

Unloading the credenza alone was tough and I hurt my back pretty bad. I had no choice because with it in my car I couldn’t pick up Fletcher! I got his seat in and picked him up just in time.


Now the final result is perfect and I’m beyond happy with it, despite how much trouble they both were. I don’t have an exact idea for the art above it yet but a starburst would look nice or these cattails I found on Etsy. I also need a new rug! The shopping never ends. At least it is fun. On Saturday my good luck continued when I found a Mid Century Bassett dresser in great condition (the top was replaced but the rest is original) for 63.00. Seriously. It is either going to be my new TV console or going in my room. For that price it would find a home.

Our bathroom is way behind since my husband is out of town. We have two weekends to finish it before guests arrive. Nothing like pressure to breed productivity! Once that is done I’ll share the outcome.