This post is purely my excuse to share the photos I took at ABC Kids Expo.  Plus, photo posts are the easiest, it is like a bloggy vacation!  Being that I was filming the majority of the trip, I didn’t take as many real photos with my real camera but I have plenty that were taken using my iPhone!  Every year that I attend this event I come home thinking “I should have taken more photos with people.” but I’m usually too darn shy to ask.  I don’t like coming off as a weird “fan-girl” for anyone either!  I did a better job this year than in previous years and will share my super fun photos with all of you.  You may notice that everyone looks like they have gigantic heads.  It is just an illusion caused by my THS (Tiny Head Syndrome.)  I’ve been suffering from this chronic disease since childhood.

This is by far my favorite photo from the expo because, look at it! Have you ever seen a happier baby? The back story is that, while Annie from AMP Diapers and I spoke, her baby nursed and then fell asleep. Maybe 20 minutes later she woke up THIS HAPPY. I don’t think I’ve ever been that happy after just waking up.

This photo is to prove that she had just woken up. Such a peaceful, sweet baby girl!
Want to know who else was happy? Amy from Applecheeks! This hilarious lady had a good enough sense of humor to let me sit on her lap… then Sadler from Thirsties came by to take the other vacant leg. I won’t confirm or deny that the shirts were planned.
I could have stayed all day with Shirley and Besty from Bummis. Even after over 25 years in this industry they still have a palpable drive to advocate for cloth diapers. They’ve been true to their brand’s mission and ethics to keep manufacturing in Canada. I felt re-energized and inspired just being around them.

Back when I lived in Syracuse, NY there was a little cloth diaper store. At first they sold online and met their customers, then they opened a store in their home. Then a store in the Mall. Then a BIGGER store in the mall. This all happened in less than 2 years! This is Colleen, the wife from the Husband/Wife team of Basic Baby. These guys have worked night and day for the last few years building an amazing store and resource for their local community. It’s been awe-inspiring to watch unfold.
Meet Malena of BALM! Baby- makers of my favorite natural deodorant. They are based in Hawaii and run a family business making natural body products and more. Malena “forced” me to take her chocolate spread and a banana, yummy!
I didn’t grab a photo with Charlie from Moraki (boo) but I did make Amanda from Green Child Magazine and The Eco Friendly Family eat a fake cupcake made from a wipe at their booth.
Even though it was all work (well, mostly work) during the 9-6 hours at the expo I still managed to squeeze in some fun time! This photo is (Left to right) Amity of Green Child Magazine, Mona from Eco Nuts, Kim, and Amanda from Green Child Magazine.
The folks from Super Undies had a photo “booth” with props. That whole gang was a blast and I found myself running by just to say hi or sit for a spell during the crazy tired times.

Last but certainly not least… it was required that I get a photo with Angry Baby. Jamie? I guess he can be in the photo too. In case you don’t know, Jamie is TheBabyGuyNYC and is the best resource out there for baby gear (strollers, car seats, etc). Angry Baby is his sidekick and happens to be modeling a Sloomb cloth diaper!