wordless wednesday
{Mostly} Wordless Wednesday- Visiting the Past
byThis beautiful tree caught my eye while walking around the Historic District in Salisbury, NC. Even though Salisbury is the town I was born…
Memorial Day Weekend Wrap-Up in Pictures
bySteven flew in to spend the long weekend with us on Friday and we surprised him inside of the airport. Saturday we spent the…
{Mostly} Wordless Wednesday: Brotherly Love
byI’m so in love with these boys. I’m Learning how to use my camera on Manual thanks to Clickin’ Moms and taking some pretty…
{Mostly} Wordless Wednesday: Biltmore Estate+2Kids+Stairs+OMG=WeSurvived
byIf you recall I moved out of Syracuse late February. It is now April and there is still no date in sight as to…
{Mostly} Wordless Wednesday: Breastfeeding Bliss
byI’ve been learning how to shoot in Manual Mode on my Nikon D80 for the past 2 weeks in earnest (inspired by Jill from…