Million Dollar Diapers
byToday I got to attend the annual “Muffins with Mom” at my youngest son’s pre-school. Every year all the mothers are treated to handmade…
Today I got to attend the annual “Muffins with Mom” at my youngest son’s pre-school. Every year all the mothers are treated to handmade…
When I was little we lived in a 2 bedroom trailer and so of course, I slept in the same room with my older…
My youngest baby turns 4 today and I’ve definitely had a good cry over this fact. We are well beyond infancy, over a year…
No, I’m not making a pregnancy announcement like Lara did yesterday. However, I realized I haven’t given a good “random stuff” update in a…
It has been about 8 months since Everett potty trained. This time in my life can now be referred to as “AD.” I suppose…
The youngest member of our family, Everett, is the big 3 today! I can’t believe it either. He graduated from diapers to undies and…
[typography font=”Cantarell” size=”20″ size_format=”px”]Because a Robot T-Rex is way cooler than boobs we are done. Breastfeeding is done.[/typography] We lasted 2 years, 11 months,…
Being that World Breastfeeding Week (Aug 1-7) is nearly finished and I’ve yet to post about the topic I thought it would be fitting…
[typography font=”Crafty Girls” size=”20″ size_format=”px”]This is my happy place.[/typography] It’s the place I look forward to being in as often as I can. It’s…
Part 1. Part 2. I haven’t packed anything away yet. It just feels too soon… I know Everett is potty trained and has done…