[typography font=”Crafty Girls” size=”22″ size_format=”px”]FULL DISCLOSURE. The first time I saw a Spray Pal I was like… uh… and then what? You carry a dripping wet diaper across your house?  And why do you need one?[/typography]


That was my knee jerk reaction to a product that seemed like it was making too much work for parents who were already having to spray POOP off a diaper.  I’m a keep it simple kinda girl. Well, here is the thing- I didn’t understand at the time how it worked (you can squeeze out the water by refolding it seen in this video) and rather than unclip it in the bathroom it makes more sense to carry it to your wetbag or pail and dump the diaper there, then put the Spray Pal back.

The other thing was that I had the dinkiest diaper sprayer on earth.  It practically just rained on my diapers.  The reason I never hooked it back up after we moved was because I had better luck using the TP scraping method than I did with my sprayer.  The first time I saw a sprayer with water pressure I realized that overspray is a real issue, and no one likes poop on their walls or shower curtains.


I’ve been told by readers more times than I can count that the Spray Pal is the only reason they keep diapering.  Glowing reviews like that, and a few personal realizations, finally sold me on it.  And when it comes to cloth diapers, whatever makes more people cloth diaper and stick with it is good in my book.

The design is quite ingenius- flat for storage, and open it looks like a rounded triangle.  This should fit within a round or elongated toilet bowl.  The clip holds the diaper for you and, after you’ve sprayed it down, you can unsnap and lay it back flat to squeeze the water out.

The biggest hurdle is going to be storage when not in use- but lately they’ve added wet bags that you can hang from the door and leave your Spray Pal in between uses.  If it is dirty you can use your sprayer to rinse it clean.  I’m not a germaphobe so I personally wouldn’t end up disinfecting it after every use- only on occasion.

Spray Pal is in the running to win a commercial during the Super Bowl- if you would like to help them you can vote for them here.

[typography font=”Crafty Girls” size=”24″ size_format=”px”]I’m ready to give one of these bad boys away, are you ready to enter to win one?[/typography]

Use the handy Rafflecopter form below, make sure you do the mandatory comment then get extra entries (any or all that you want).  Ends 9-12.   Open to US and Canada.

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