I was contacted by Sarah from Softbums about doing a review of her diaper. I had heard of Softbums before. It was actually when there was a lot of buzz about Gro Baby. Many people, like myself, were really excited about an All in Two with a reusable shell. It seemed like a novel concept. Well, some other moms were already in the know about Softbums. They were around before Gro Baby, and are also an All in Two with a reusable shell. There are definitely differences between the two diapers. I am not saying anything negative about Gro Baby, because they work well. But Softbums just have a more precise sizing option since the leg elastic is adjustable. I hope the video gives you a good idea of how they work.
I want to add that I have talked to Sarah over email and on the phone a few times. She really has a heart for cloth diapering. In fact, she has been doing it for 13 years, way before many of the modern diapers we know now were around. She knows her stuff, and has used her experience to create a very superior cloth diaper with the ability to truly fit a baby from 6 pounds to 35 pounds and possibly more if needed. While not the “perfect” cloth diaper, Softbums is pretty close. I wish Sarah had the ability to put the Softbums name out there for more moms to hear, but she is running this operation practically solo.
Ease of Use ✰✰✰✰ Softbums are extremely easy to use. They have an aplix version and a snaps version. With the aplix the diaper can go on much like a disposable if you have the insert presnapped in. There are two ways to put on a softbums, which are both reflected in the video. One, which has the insert presnapped and folded down. The other, the insert snapped in but not folded until you put it on the baby. Changing my son into a Softbums with aplix is one of the quicker diaper changes I have compared to some of my other diapers. Adjusting the diaper for the first time might take a bit to figure out where to set the “snugger” leg elastic. If you visually compare your Softbums to another diaper you have that fits your baby, it might alleviate the guessing game. Once on the baby, you can let it out more by pinching the toggles if need be, to perfect the fit.
Bang for the Buck ✰✰✰✰ Yes, you can fine one size diaper systems, and even one size All in Two systems for less money. What you are paying for is worth factoring in. Made in the USA, a TRUE one size diaper, quality materials like sturdy Aplix and bamboo if you choose those for inserts, and an all around good diaper. You can buy a start pack with one cover and 3 microfiber soakers for 33.92. Why .92 and not .99 I have no clue hehe!
Performance ✰✰✰✰✰ No leaks with these! Performance gets a five star. Even though the soakers aren’t “thick” they are super absorbent. They are a total of 4 layers of microfiber once you fold the insert over in the front. The bamboo insert works really well also, but it is a tad bit bulkier.
Fit ✰✰✰✰✰ Fantastic! I love putting this diaper on my son because it goes on so easily and because of the “snugger” system and the stretchy leg elastic it fits snugly and comfortably on my son. It leave no red marks on his thighs or back. I haven’t had any leaks around the legs due to a fit issue.
Overall- It is pretty apparent that I think these diapers are awesome. I do want to note a few things that make it not “perfect” but that wouldn’t convince me not to buy them. First, the liner is microfleece. Since these are an All in Two, you will be reusing the shells. The microfleece will probably get damp after the soaker has been wet. It is best to air the soakers out in between uses, but since the shell doesn’t have laminate PUL you can’t wipe them clean between uses. You will also mos likely end up having to use a new shell if your baby has loose stools. Second, since the long soaker folds in front, when my son sits down he gets a little “bulge” in front. I know the lady babies give him the eye because of it! It still isn’t bulky, it just tents like bad khakis when he is seated, giving him a very “happy” appearance. I am still in love with these diapers. There are 9 color options, from tame to BRIGHT. They have a snaps and aplix version, and they have a microfiber or bamboo soaker to choose from.