Smart Bottoms is more than just a business, it is a passion. Behind every cloth diapering mom (or dad), there’s a story. A story of why they chose to go against the majority, why they chose the healthier, more environmentally friendly, or cheaper option. We want to be a part of your story!
I started Smart Bottoms because I am passionate about cloth diapering. It is a choice that my husband and I made with our second child, and have not regretted for a single day (even the messy ones)! Smart Bottoms offers an organic cloth diapering system that is 100% made in the United States. Our high quality products are available at a reasonable price, so all families can provide the finest for their little ones. …read more about Smart Bottoms

Dirty Diaper Laundry has been around to witness the conception of Smart Bottoms as a brand and their growth in the industry. Smart Bottoms began as a direct sales brand sold only through representatives. Soon they picked up retailers and are now rapidly earning the love of moms who appreciate their organic natural fibers, fashion forward prints, and dedication to US manufacturing. Owners Christy and Geoff Malone are still at the helm of the company. Kim first reviewed their All in One in 2012- in 3 short years their products have make vast improvements in form and function. The 3.1 Smart One now ranks as one of Kim’s favorite natural fiber all in ones.

View DDL’s reviews of current Smart Bottoms products: