The Rumparooz were born in 2006, shortly after the birth of Autumn, Chad and Julie’s second daughter. They quickly learned that she was highly sensitive to disposable diapers and could not wear them even for a few hours. They became discouraged after lengthy research and sampling of many different brands of cloth diapers. Julie and Chad could not find a cloth diaper that had both the fit and function that they liked. Each diaper change additionally became a full outfit change as the cloth diapers they used could not contain the frequent messes, similar to disposables. Julie started brainstorming, problem solving and inventing leak prevention technology in her own ideas for diaper patterns.  The now patented Rumparooz One Size Cloth Diaper was the original cloth diaper to contain inner gusset leak proof technology. News spread quickly about Julie’s new diaper design and function. Word got out and soon they had orders to fill for interested moms and dads. Wasting no time, retailers started requesting the Rumparooz to be sold in their stores. The Rumparooz, and the entire family of Kanga Care brand diapers and diapering accessories, are now sold worldwide. …read more about Rumparooz

Rumparooz cloth diapers have grown to a well known brand in the cloth diapering world with tons of options. They added the lil’ Joey newborn line and the EcoPosh line. The company operates under the umbrella of Kanga Care and are distributed Internationally.