Today my husband and I hit the road with the two boys on our 2 day expedition to North Carolina. The drive is a total of 12 hours on a good day, but with two kids we knew that wasn’t happening so we opted to split the trip into two days and stop halfway.
Still, this was a huge undertaking. We had to pack enough for all of us. Luckily we are staying with family so we have the luxury of using their washer and dryer. I knew we would use our cloth diapers on our trip, just like we always do when we travel. But with 2 kids this was a new experience for me.
I decided to bring the “necessities” this time. Usually I pack nearly my entire stash. For this trip I knew I would be washing every day with the amount I could fit in our car (we were also bring a few luggage pieces and presents, etc). Sometimes my Mother-in-Law helps by drying or folding my diapers so I devised a plan. Since I have a very varied stash she had no clue what insert went where or anything so she would fold the inserts and the covers. Helpful, but not really. I would still need to fold them.
This trip I am only bringing my bumGenius! 3.0’s, 4.0’s, Elementals, AMP Stay Dry AIO’s, Drybees Hybrid AIO’s, Ragababe AIO’s, and Softbums.
This means all of the inserts “match”, or they are AIO’s. Even if I have to wash every day I will be spending less time stuffing and I might just get a hand from the MIL. Win Win.
All of these fit into one large Planet Wise wet/dry bag.
I have mentioned before about how I cannot bring dirty cloth diapers with me on trips. This involves careful planning. For this trip I waited until bedtime to wash, and let both kids sleep in sposies. Thanks to ammonia issues we do own some.
The next morning I packed the diapers and put both kids in Gro Via Biosoakers. Everett wore a Gro Via and Fletcher wore a Best Bottoms shell. This lasted us all day until we made it to the hotel. These even held in the runny newborn poop! A little got on the edge but I wiped it up. No harm.
We are continuing to use the biosoakers until tomorrow. I didn’t pack a huge amount of cloth and was afraid 2 full days would leave us on E before we even made it to NC.
I would never use hybrid diapers full time but I do enjoy having a little flexibility when I travel. I will, if I have to, travel with cloth in the car but this has been a happy medium for us.
Tomorrow we will start back up once we hit NC, or sooner if our shells get dirty.