A few readers have requested swim diaper reviews. Since I live in Central New York swim weather is still far, far away. We don’t swim in an indoor pool either. Instead, here is a little roundup of some of the swim diapers available since the season is quickly approaching.
In theory, any pocket diaper without the insert can be used, however the chlorine in pools will harm the PUL. Not to mention, an empty pocket diaper is going to be saggy and might not fit as well.
For a swim diaper you really want a great fit since the goal is to catch any solid waste and prevent it from leaking into the pool. I haven’t personally tried any of these, but I do own a Bummis Swimmi.
Bummis Swimmi: 12.75 (Kelly’s Closet)
Imse Vimse Swim Diaper. 13.70 (Amazon.com)
Real Nappies Splash Wrap. 12.00 (Amazon.com)
Kushies Swim Diaper. 9.95 (Kelly’s Closet)
Mother-ease Swim Diaper. 14.95 (Amazon)
Snappy Swimzease. 15.00 (Nifty Nappy)
Applecheeks Swim Diaper. 18.60. (My Baby Pumpkin)
Monkey Doodlez. 17.50 (RG Natural Babies)
If you have experience with any of these diapers please leave a comment and share it with us! Think Summer!
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