My son just turned two years old and he is a toddler through and through.  Demanding, stubborn, dangerous, clingy, and cuddly.  At this age they aren’t sure whether they want to be independent or stuck to you like glue.  So instead they have bi-polar mood swings that would make even Sybil envious.  One minute they are playing with their Transformers and the next they are pulling down your skirt in an attempt to crawl up your body like you’re a rock wall.

Inspired by the recent weeks of Everett’s annoyingly adorable new sleep habit where he has to have his arm on top of me before falling asleep as insurance that I won’t skip town on him (silly toddler, once he is out like a light I run for the hills) I decided to adjust the popular Overly Attached Girlfriend meme to Overly Attached Toddler.  Here are a few I came up with.

Overly Attached Toddler
Overly Attached Toddler
Overly Attached Toddler
Overly Attached Toddler
Overly Attached Toddler

Overly Attached Toddler- Dirty Diaper Laundry
I can already tell the 2’s are going to be a lot of fun. Please send back-up. Oh wait… my son won’t let anyone else near him. Shit.