I know you have been dying to know if there has been an update.

And there has been, sort of.

I have not been contacted by the show directly.  I know they are aware of our efforts, that is all I can say on that.

I was clued in by a cloth diaper manufacturer after the campaign began that they have been working with producers from The Ellen Show for quite some time.  I asked that they keep in touch with me on the matter.  I was very recently updated with the following information:

This brand is all but confirmed to be included on the Mother’s Day edition of The Ellen Show!

The great news is that cloth diapers, at least one brand that I am aware of, will be on the show.  Frankly, I would like to see more variety, and that could still be a possibility, but one is good enough for me.  And, in case you are wondering, I cannot tell you the brand.  When they are ready to announce I’m sure I will be able to divulge.  For now just know they were not directly involved with #operationfluffy.

There is no way of knowing if #operationfluffy had anything to do with their decision.  I would certainly like to think so considering that our campaign was very well timed in coordination with this brand’s talks with the show.  We sent thousands of tweets, and that can’t go unnoticed by her staff.

I am still lobbying for a larger spotlight.  You can continue to join me if you want, or be completely content knowing there will be a brand of cloth diapers on the show.

I am more than proud of the work everyone put into the campaign.  The YouTube video is already close to 1,500 views.  It will continue to spread the message of cloth diapers!

I am sincerely grateful for the passion you have all shown for #operationfluffy.  Even as this is coming to a close, it is important to remember that we can always be doing something to promote cloth diapers, be it online or in our local community!