Having cloth diapered for a total of 4+ years with two children it’s to be expected that I learned from mistakes and sometimes even regretted a decision or two. I asked DDL readers on my Facebook page the question
“What is something you would do differently when it comes to cloth diapering today compared to when you first began?”
I’m sharing a few nuggets of wisdom- maybe one of them will speak to you and help you cloth diaper with “no ragrets,” …not even a single letter. You can read all of the responses on Facebook.
The Response: “I wish I wouldn’t have spent a bunch of money on one kind of diaper that didn’t work very well.” -Kirsten M.
DDL Weighs In: Sometimes parents rely on a salesperson in the store or the raving review of a friend and decide that one brand will be the best for them. Even though this can definitely work for some parents most wind up regretting that they didn’t try a few brands before settling on buying 24 of them! Cloth diaper trials are one way to sample several brands, or buy used to try the diapers for cheap before making the investment.
The Response: “With my first I bought all pockets thinking I’d love them. I hated them after about 2 months. Advice? Try a few different styles – you’ll be thankful later!!” -Viva La Cloth
DDL Weighs In: Like above, this reader thought pocket diapers would be the best for her family but realized later (after a heavy investment) that they hated them! Even when you think, based on the the 1,000 reviews and blog posts you’ve read, that one style of diaper is IT for you, there is a chance it might not be. Even if you just get 1-2 others to try before you invest in one style it might be worth it.
The response: ” I would start wool earlier. It isn’t scary or difficult (hooray for Eucalan!), and the price is worth it.” -Kyra M.
DDL Weighs In: Wool is probably the MOST intimidating style of cloth diaper out there. The care instructions are totally different than other cloth diapers and there is always that doubt “will wool really be waterproof and breathable?” The answer is yes and yes! Wool is great for babies who get heat rashes, works for winter and even summer (if you can believe that), and doubles as clothing if you buy shorties or longies. Just like cloth diapers, wool can be addictive!
The Response: “Ι would definitely do covers and prefolds. Less expensive, and you can reuse your favorite covers.” -Mary K.
DDL Weighs In: Though the shiny diapers with their bells and whistles dazzle new to cloth diapering parents, they can be quite expensive! Even if you aren’t cloth diapering to save money prefolds and covers have a lot to offer beyond being cheap. Prefolds are less likely to cause headaches when it comes to washing- they can take a serious beating without leaking or stinking. Add a stash of covers that you love and cloth diaper with less drama.
The Response: “I’ve diapered 6 kids and my only regret is getting sucked in to diaper shopping, trying new brands.” -Catherine B.
DDL Weighs In: Buying All The Diapers is a real thing. When brands release a new limited edition print every few months and new brands enter the market it is very tempting to buy “just one more.” Keep in mind that one day your babies will be out of diapers- will your collection of diapers matter to you then? If so then by all means, collect! If you think your personality tends to go full addict then maybe try sticking to one style or brand to resist temptation. Plus, the atmosphere in the groups for buying and selling can be toxic depending on the group.
The Response: “I would have bought used to try out more diapers because you can really see how they wear and hold up after use.” -Jenna B.
DDL Weighs In: Buying used is a great idea for trying out brands and as this reader points out, for seeing how durable the diaper is! No diaper can last forever but if you try used diapers that have little or no stretch in the elastics or show holes sooner than they should based on when they were bought it can be an indication that they aren’t going to hold up long.
The Response: “I’d skip buying cheap diapers. Like totally. They don’t hold up. Spend a little extra on good quality diapers.” -Jessica C.
DDL Weighs In: This one is controversial but I can tell you that it is true, from personal experience and from the experiences of so many others. When a diaper is extremely cheap it may be too good to be true. Not only is it unlikely that the factory is doing effective quality control but the materials used to make the diaper are cheaper, the labor is cheaper, the warranty may not exist, and the customer service (if there) might not be that helpful when you need it. Reputable brands tend to not only last longer but have warranties if problems do arise and employees at the phone lines to help you with any problems you have. There are stories that tell opposite stories on both ends but these are not nearly as common as the scenario this reader represents. No one wants to replace the diapers they just bought months earlier- don’t throw your money away!
The Response: “[not] Getting a spray pal and sprayer for sure, so much easier then dunk and swish.” -Samantha D.
DDL Weighs In: The scariest part of cloth diapering (in theory) is dealing with the poop. When I first started cloth diapering the diaper sprayer was an answer to that problem. Then the Spray Pal came along and the two together can spray the poop off and keep the {poop water} overspray from hitting your or your bathroom walls. Plenty of people have survived without one or both but they are certainly nice to have and if you wait too long to try them you too might regret not buying a set earlier.
[hr][typography font=”Cantarell” size=”19″ size_format=”px”]What about you- did you have any regrets from your early days of cloth diapering? [/typography]
[typography font=”Cantarell” size=”9″ size_format=”px”] Image Credits: Sloomb, Spray Pal, Hyperbole and a Half, Kim Rosas. Quotes taken from DDL readers on January 10, 2014.[/typography]