Update at the end of the post

I am the sort of person who needs to “talk it out” (my to my husband’s dismay) so I am going to write up my plans for the newborn cloth diaper reviews.  If there is something you want to see added that I am missing please let me know.  As of now I plan on comparing newborn diapers on the following:

  • Weight they begin fitting well
  • Weight they no longer fit
  • Leaks, if any
  • Bang for the Buck
  • Performance

Really, the only thing I have added is the time frame that they fit.  But, it will be nice to be able to compare these brands on those points for anyone considering them.

L to R in a circle: Baby Beehinds NB Cover, Sbish Wool, Sbish flat, KL0, Nifty Nappy Ooga Booga, Thirsties Duo, Smartipants NB, FB XS, BG XS. Lil Joey, Tiny Fit

To recap, I have the following newborn cloth diapers to review:

  • bumGenius! AIO Deluxe in XS.
  • Fuzzibunz XS
  • Tiny Fit by Tots Bots
  • Smartipants Newborn
  • Nifty Nappy newborn fitted
  • Sustainable Babyish XS Flats
  • Sustainable Babyish Wool Soaker
  • Baby Beehinds Newborn Cover
  • Lil’ Joeys
  • KL0
  • Gro Via newborn
  • Thirsties Duo Size 1

What I haven’t made up my mind on is how I will film reviews.  I do not believe I will film a review for each individual diaper.  I may group them into categories and show the different brands in one video.  Or do them all together.  What do you think?

I also plan to pit a few one size diapers head to head to see which fit a newborn first and best.  The biggest request has been for Softbums, so this will be done.  And I will choose from the others I have as well.  Most likely you will see bumGenius! 4.0, bumGenius! Elementals, Gro Via, etc.  If you  have a particular One Size you really want tested, let me know in the comments and I will see what I can do.


Rather than reply to all of the comments I will update here.  I will try my best to address the issue of meconium, cord stump, washing/drying, etc. that were asked about.  Also, I have set a lot of my one size diapers to the newborn setting.  Here is a list so far:

  • Bottombumpers OS
  • Doopsy
  • Rocky Mountain OS
  • Softbums
  • Gro Via AIO
  • Gro Via AI2
  • bumGenius! 4.0
  • bumGenius! Elemental
  • Smartipants Smart Fit Cover
  • Smartipants OS
  • Fuzzibunz OS
  • Charlie Banana OS
  • Little Beetle velour fitted
  • and a Rumparooz and Sprout Change V2.0 is getting added soon.

I think that is all but there might be more.

While it will be difficult my plan is to either photograph or film the fit of these diapers on a newborn as well.  Thanks for all of your input.  I hope when all is said and done this will be a very beneficial experiment for new parents looking for newborn cloth diapers!