With only 2 bedrooms in our house, we had to decide how we wanted to handle having another baby.  He is obviously too young to share a room with his brother, and besides that, we co-sleep at least part time.

The main concern was: where will I change the baby’s diaper in the middle of the night?  I didn’t want to use our bed, or the floor.  I considered moving my son’s changing table into our room and buying a dresser/changing table combo for his room.  But then genius struck!  I realized I could attach a changing pad to my vanity if I removed the mirror.  I found the perfect one, which strapped around the table.  Then my husband bought drawers for underneath to store our diapers and the baby’s clothing.

This was worked beautifully for the short term.  Once the baby is a little larger and more mobile it won’t be as safe.  Hopefully by then we won’t need to change him at night anyway.  Wishful thinking, right?