Update: The diaper is no longer being made however you can purchase a pattern to make one yourself.
Mo Dia is an Etsy brand that combines stylish designer prints, colorful snap combos, and PUL solid colors to create a gorgeous cloth diaper! The diapers are made my two Mom’s who obviously have an eye for style! I would say this is a WAHM diaper but these ladies have day jobs and make diapers, plus they are moms! They definitely stay busy!
Ease of Use ✩✩✩ Like many snapping diapers, this one has 4 snaps to close, two on each tab. If you have the velcro version it would go on just like a disposable. It is a pocket so it has to be stuffed before being used, and unstuffed before being washed. An added step will be folding the insert before inserting it to the desired size.
Bang for the Buck ✩✩✩✩ A Mo Dia will run about 20.00, including the hemp insert. I find that to be a more than fair price factoring in labor, quality materials, and an awesome insert.
Performance ✩✩✩✩ Ev has tested this diaper pretty thoroughly, including overnight. The hemp insert is very absorbent, one of my favorite features of the diaper. I underestimated my son and began using the diaper on the smallest setting but after a couple of leaks went to the middle rise and this solved the problem.
Fit ✩✩✩ In the rise the fit was great for my son once we went to the middle setting, and we have room for growth in that setting as well as once the diaper is unsnapped. Waist wise I think the diaper could use more width. Now that I have a chunky baby I see how he could outgrow this diaper in the waist at some point. In the video I show you where the diaper snaps and that the male snap ends would hit skin if done any wider. If they added an inch or two to the waist that would help. The waist elastic is a good idea and I am seeing more diapers adopt this design. (FYI, the velcro version would not have this issue)
Overall- The combinations of prints and colors that these women come up with for their diapers are pretty fabulous! You won’t see diapers like this that are mass produced. Their velcro tabs look awesome but I haven’t tried them.
Where to buy: Mo Dia Etsy Store or Z Bears
A Mo Dia was sent for the purposes of the review. No other compensation was received and all opinions are 100% genuine and my own.