Ease of Use ✰✰✰✰ The Knickernappies is a side snapping diaper, with snapping rise adjustments on the front.  Changing a side snapping diaper takes some getting used to if you haven’t used one before.  Also, the tabs are next to the baby and I kept wanting to put them on top.  Even now I still try on occasion since this is what I was used to.  Stuffing the diaper could sometimes be annoying since the microfiber of the Loopy Do cause friction against the inside of the liner, but it wasn’t impossible… just a minor annoyance.

Bang for the Buck ✰✰✰✰ So this can be a sticking point.  Most retailers sell this diaper with a choice of microfiber, microterry, or loopy do inserts.  With the lower range inserts the price range is around 20.00.  If you upgrade to the small and large loopy do you can expect to pay around 25.00.  25.00 is on the high end however if you have a very heavy wetter these  inserts are worth the investment.

Performance ✰✰✰✰✰ I don’t have a single complaint about this diaper when it comes to performance.  I used it overnight with the loopy do and never had a leak, and of course using the same insert for daytime had us leak free as well.

Fit ✰✰✰✰ I don’t prefer side snapping diapers since I find them more difficult to put on my toddler.  That being said, it did fit him very well and has lots of room for height and waist growth.  I imagine this diaper would fit a larger toddler with no problems.

Overall- I know this is a favorite diaper of lots of people and I certainly understand why.  It will fit a baby for a long time, and it is very well made so it should last through 2 children with no problems with proper care.