Since Sarah from Diaper Daisy and I LOVE this diaper we are giving one Kissaluvs Marvel away to one of you!

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About Diaper Daisy:

I was not always a cloth diaper user. My first were actually two – twins – and I had not heard much about cloth diapers other than what my mom used. I was so overwhelmed with the thought of bringing two babies home that I never actually did much research about diapering at all. I felt bad about filling up the landfills (times two – yikes!), but didn’t really see any other options.

When my third came around, I was more aware of today’s cloth diapering options. I had friends who were using them with much success. I decided to check them out, and I was floored by how many different types of diapers there were and how easy they all seemed to be.

My husband was hesistant until I pointed out the cost savings. We should be saving at least $1500 over the cost of disposable diapers, and that is just for one child!

When the baby arrived, cloth diapering quickly and easily became a part of our life. I loved that we were saving money, eliminating a lot of trash, and keeping natural fabrics against the baby.

After my experience deciding to take the leap into cloth diapers, I realized how many more people would make the switch if they just had the chance to be exposed to them, the opportunity to see just how easy they are.

When the opportunity arose to purchase Diaper Daisy, I was excited about getting the chance to help expose parents to the ease of cloth diapers, as well as ideas on how to take other small steps to make life healthier for their children.

At Diaper Daisy, we want to provide quality, convenient and FUN cloth diapering and baby products to moms of babies and young children.

We offer cloth diaper demonstrations, consultations and support. We want to assist and encourage you every step of the way on your cloth diapering journey – whether you are new, novice or expert!

My hope is that more moms and caregivers will learn about cloth diapering and spread the word of how easy and FUN it can be! If there is ever anything I can do to help you on your cloth diapering journey, I would love to help!

At Diaper Daisy you can find the biggest brand names in cloth diapers, including Kissaluvs, Bum Genius, Fuzzibunz, Knickernappies, Happy Heineys, and Thirsties to name a few.

You can also to a two week cloth diaper trial with 5 different brands of diapers with no obligation to buy, to see if cloth diapers are right for you!!!

Diaper Daisy has more than diapers. There are diapering accessories like snappis, wipes, and wet bags, and items for mom!



  • Waterproof exterior
  • Super soft, stay-dry fleece next to skin keeps baby dry and comfortable
  • Self-cleaning: the soaker agitates out in the wash yet stays attached
  • Gentle but effective elastic at legs and waist contains all messes
  • Pocket in the back to stuff additional soakers if needed
  • Adjustable snap closures and overlapping wings ensures the diaper fits skinny and chubby babies alike
  • One size design, fitting babies approximately 7-35 pounds
  • Super simple design, will be loved by dads and babysitters alike!
  • Available in White (with White inner) and fashion colors with complimentary inside colors: Butter (with yellow), Raspberry (with Pink), Kelly Green (with Yellow) and Summer Sky (with White).

To Enter

Visit Diaper Daisy and tell me your favorite item she sells. Leave a comment.

For extra entries do any or all of the following. Leave a comment for each you do.

Follow @KimRosas on twitter and tweet this giveaway. Please tweet, “Win a Kissaluvs Marvel AIo from @KimRosas and @DiaperDaisy. #clothdiapers” Leave a comment with a link to your status.

You can tweet once a day for the duration of the contest. Leave a comment with your status for each tweet.

Follow DiaperDaisy on Twitter. Leave a comment.

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Grab my button and post it on your blog. Leave a comment.

Blog about this giveaway. Post a link in the comment.

Get Creative: Post about this giveaway on a messageboard or forum. Leave a comment with a link.

New Entry: Become a fan of Dirty Diaper Laundry on Facebook and get 3 extra entries! Leave your comments as FB 1, then another comment for FB 2, another for FB 3.

Giveaway ends on April 19. Winner will be chosen using If the winner does not respond within 48 hours a new winner will be drawn.

***Open to US ONLY***


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