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Tonight I’ll be joining @NoseFrida (you know, the snot sucker guys) for an impromptu Twitter chat.  NoseFrida is a huge supporter and cheerleader of cloth diapering moms and dads.  To celebrate this weekend’s Great Cloth Diaper Change being such a success (they are at 6,500+ with only half of the locations reporting) and because it is Earth Day it seemed like a fun night to chat.

Nose Frida will be sponsoring prizes (swag!) during the one hour chat, which will follow the #clothdiapers chat taking place 9-10 pm EST.  I’m a little light on the exact details and the prizes are a surprise but it will definitely be a fun hour of chatting with myself and @NoseFrida.  A few prizes will be randomly given to attendees but the biggest prizes will be announced dureing the party and will be given away via the NoseFrida blog.

We will be chatting about cloth diapers so if you want to stay late after the #clothdiapers chat just switch your hashtag to #FridaBaby at 10 pm!

Join up by using the #FridaBaby hashtag during the 10-11 pm hour tonight!  If you use I’ve set up the party hashtag and hosts, all you need to do is add your name to the empy column—>#FridaBaby Party. 

I hope to see you there!