Ithaca- Where crunchiness roams

Today was yet another trip to Ithaca, NY.  Yes, Ithaca is “gorges”  hah hah.  Now that that is out of your system I will continue. If you aren’t aware, Ithaca is a very “green” city.  I love the fact that when I go there I am almost soggy compared to the general public.  It gives me something to strive for!

My mission today was to pick up my Ergo backpack attachment for my Ergo Carrier.  Since I am flying to Charlotte next week alone I am determined to lighten my load.  Instead of carrying my son in the ergo and having to carry a diaper bag I just solved my problem!

Somehow I timed it perfectly.  There was a nasty thunderstorm this morning, so we waited for it to pass.  I picked up my friend and her daughter and by the time we made it to Ithaca it was drizzly.  We both wore our babies, she used a backpack carrier and I put Fletcher in the Didy wrap I am borrowing from Woowoomama.  I used the front facing carry and it was great.  I am getting the hang of using a wrap and starting to enjoy it.

Our first stop was Mama Goose.  This is a consignment store, but it also sells handmade items from locals.  I was excited to see ES baby diapers there in the store.  They are made by a mom who is local to me.  She is quite talented and I love her diapers.  In fact, my son is wearing a cover she made right now.


ES baby at Mama Goose
ES baby at Mama Goose



Next stop was Jillian’s Drawers!!!!!  I can’t get enough of this store.  I picked up my backpack and talked to a few of the employees.  One of them joins in on the Twitter chats on monday nights about #clothdiapers.  It was nice to put a face to the name.  My friend bought 5 diapers and a pack of soakers.  She found a fantastic deal on BG Organic AIO’s which were used and in great shape.  They were pink so I was not interested!  Then she got on the Gro Baby wagon.  She purchased a shell in Blackberry along with a pack of two soakers.  So in essence she got 7 diapers!!!  I had willpower and only got what I came for.  On our way out I saw the International Breastfeeding symbol on the door.  I was pretty excited about seeing one in person.  Of course, I will breastfeed wherever I please, but I am happy to support any business that is pro-breastfeeding.  

Our last stop was at the usual eatery.  Amazingly the babies both behaved.  No tantrums.  I had to nurse Fletcher at the end when he got a bit fussy but it was cake.  While inside, the bottom of the sky dropped and it started pouring.  Somehow our timing was once again impeccable.  By the time we were finished the rain had become a light drizzle.  

So, I am back home where I am on the extreme end of crunchy.

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