Intro to Cloth Diapers: What is a Tongue Style All-in-One?

In this installment of my ongoing series: Introduction to Cloth Diapers, I tackle the “Tongue-Style All-in-One.” This might be another term you are unfamiliar with since it doesn’t represent a large number of diapers.

A “Tongue-Style All-in-One” is a cloth diaper that is not quite a pocket, not quite an All-in-One, but has the attributes of both.  There is an “insert” that stays attached, making it a one piece diaper, but it agitates loose in the wash which makes for a cleaner diaper and quicker drying time.

Hopefully the video above explains this better than words can.

I was considering making “flapping” tongue all-in-ones (ex. Gro Via AIO) a part of this category but they will get their own.

The two diapers that exemplify the Tongue Style All-in-One are the Kissaluvs Marvel AIO and Tots Bots (Bummis) Easy Fit.

Both diapers have long inserts that are attached to the diaper but are also stuffed into a pocket.

Like a pocket (what is a pocket?), the insert will be outside of the diaper during washing, however it remains attached.  This means you won’t be searching for the matching insert in your laundry basket.

Like a pocket, you will have to re-stuff the insert inside but this takes very minimal effort and time on your part compared to a pocket.

Unlike a pocket diaper (but like a Sleeve Diaper) you don’t need to remove the insert before washing the diaper since it agitates out in the washer.

Both of these diapers I have mentioned are pricier than most pocket diapers.  The Kissaluvs Marvel AIO is 22.95 and the Tots Bots Easy Fit is 23.95.  Both can be found at my affiliate, Kelly’s Closet.

If you have missed any installments of my Introduction to Cloth Diapers Series you can still catch up: Intro to Cloth Diapers.

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