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Trying to choose between the three most popular and well known brands of Soft Structure Carriers (also known as Buckle Carriers) on the market? As I see it, the ERGOBaby, the Beco Butterfly II, and the Boba are the most compared and inquired about SSC’s on the market today. Since I have used all three with both of my children I have decided to film videos comparing each carrier in different aspects of usage. The videos will be a visual reference for my written comparisons.
A Soft Structure Carrier is easier to use than Wrap, Mei Tei’s, and Ring Slings in most ways. Even though they take practice the learning curve is lower.
You can nurse any age baby in the three carriers in the video (Boba weight limit is 15 lbs +) but the adjustments will vary based on the height of your baby and your own build. Those with larger busts or taller babies might need to loosen their waist belt and push it lower so that the baby can reach the breast. At times I need to do this with the Boba.
My tips for successful and easy breastfeeding in a SSC.
- Find the right SSC. Out of the three carriers I use my ERGObaby and Boba the most for front carries. If I know I will be nursing I definitely skip my Beco. The ERGO works great for infants up. You can purchase the infant insert to wear your baby from day one in the ERGO. The Boba is built for larger babies over 15 pounds or above a year. Ev can still be nursed in the Boba but he sits low since the back panel is higher than the Ergo.
- Ensure your straps are adjusted properly. I have found the perfect balace on my SSC’s with my back strap, position and tightness of my waist belt, and arm straps. With a front carry you have to be able to reach your back clip (unless you clip ahead of time and do the one arm on, squeeze in method.) You ca tighten the back once you have the baby inside the carrier also. Incorrect adjustments will be an uncomfortable experience for you and nobody wants that!
- Getting instructions and hands on help from another- more experienced- babywearing mama can really speed up the learning curve for any carrier hold and/or trick. Find a Babywearing International or other trustworthy group to join. Not only will you enjoy the meetings and learn a lot, you will probably be with your “tribe.”
- Dress for Success(ful Boob Access). Breastfeeding in a SSC or any other carrier is far easier when you can pull up and out of your top. Pulling a shirt up while wearing your baby in a ring sling is not only hard to do but it can be less than flattering to show your stomach openly. Usually the carrier squishes things down in all the wrong places. Deep V necks, stretchy tank tops, button-up shirts, nursing tanks, shirts designed for nursing with a lift up or slit opening, anything that can be undone or give access to one boob from the top is perfect. If you are worried about showing too much remember that the straps cover most of what can be seen. More ideas for dressing to nurse in public in my “How to Nurse in Public” post.
- Practice makes perfect. Trying this at a crowded fair for the first time isn’t going to work well. You will be nervous, you may be clumsy, and your baby will be hungry and impatient. If that hungry baby starts crying they might be harder to latch when you do get them into position. Try nursing in your SSC in your home and when the baby isn’t hungry yet (and in a good mood).
I have nursed both of my children in the ERGO and Boba (only a few times in the Beco) out in public in about as many places as I have visited. On Paddle Boats, Subways, Museums, Fairs, Malls, Outdoor Walks, and so on. I can guarantee you the general public had no clue that I was nursing my baby. Even though I find it easier to nurse in a ring sling when making adjustments, once I did it a few (billion) times in my SSC I became just as fast when making adjustments. When I first started it took a while. Another point to make is that that straps do get more pliable over time so that does affect how well the buckle slides and affects how easy it is to adjust.
I’ll be continuing this series of ERGObaby/ BBII/ Boba videos in the coming weeks. You can view all of the posts and videos in the series by following the ERGObaby/BBII/Boba Series.
If you are looking for an ERGObaby, Beco Butterfly II, or Boba they can all be found at my affiliate- Granola Babies! Shop at Granola Babies & use code NEW4147 for $7 off $75 first time order.
Please share your own experience with nursing in your SSC (even if it isn’t an ERGO/BBII/Boba) and the fun places you have nursed at!