How in the world did people ever live without baby carriers? I know what you are thinking, baby carriers have been around almost as long as people have. You are right. But somewhere along the way the tradition of holding your baby close and wrapping them tight so that you could continue living life while taking care of your home and your family got lost. And can I just preach about how amazingly convenient nursing in a carrier is? This is a relatively new development for me, but I have taken full advantage of it. I recently walked through a crowded building at the State Fair like a salmon upstream. Apparently, we didn’t get the memo that the crowd was going somewhere else. Well, while fighting the crowd I had a very content little boy suckling away in my Ergo. If only the hundreds of people around me knew what we were doing!
I wish I had known about babywearing when my son was first born the way I do now. I actually had a ring sling, but my son hated being cradled. I didn’t have a wrap, and he was too small for the other holds at that point. I didn’t wear him the way I wanted to until I purchased my Ergo. Now I have a wrap, a ring sling, and an Ergo. The reason I am posting this is because I watched the newest episode of 18 Kids and Counting. Michelle, the mom of 18 kids (who just announced she is pregnant with number 19) was carrying her baby around D.C. Just carrying. I know for a fact that they own an Ergo also. Why in the heck weren’t they using it? I hardly ever just carry my son. If I know he won’t be happy in the cart or stroller I wear him. Or, I let him start out in those but bring a carrier for back up. I can’t stand having to tote him around like that.
I’m very glad that babywearing is making a huge comeback. I’m sure part of this has to do with the easy new carriers and how fashionable they are now. I can’t pinpoint where society gave up on babywearing and when it came back. Maybe I am imagining things and it has always been around. I just know that moms in other parts of the world wear their babies around for an extended period of time. A friend sent this article around that says crawling is a relatively new development for babies. Most babies didn’t crawl since their parents wore them all of the time.
How did you ever live without your carrier?