{Email subscribers, click over to view the video} It is surreal to be saying that my youngest son Everett is turning one year old today.  He was born at 6:44 am in the water, at home, in my bedroom, after only 4 hours and 45 minutes of labor. {Everett’s Homebirth Story and Video}  He came out with the most beautiful round head, as if he had not just been squeezed out of a tiny canal.  At 8 pounds, 8 ounces, he was an average sized baby, but had (and still has) the most adorable squishy, chubby cheeks on Earth.  After the initial cry he was calm, content, and wide eyed on my chest while I waited to deliver the placenta.

We have been a family of 4 for one whole year.  Fletcher adjusted beautifully to being a big brother.  My heart melts every time Fletcher hugs Everett and tells him that he loves him.  Or on those days when things are just too quiet, and I walk into their room only to find that they are looking through books together.  My favorite part of having two boys has to be the laughs.  Fletcher, the clown, is always trying to make Everett laugh.  When the two boys get going it is pure happiness!

Everett is the opposite of Fletcher in almost every way.  He was born a good night sleeper, never waking except to nurse, then returning back to sleep.  He sleeps 12 hours a night now, with a few wake ups to nurse.  We do have nap time problems but he is down to one nap a day for 1-2 hours.  His highness has to be bounced on a yoga ball to sleep for naps, and before bed.  It could be worse.

From the beginning Everett has been a great breastfeeder.  We discovered (or rather, my nipples screamed at me) that he was tongue tied.  We had his tongue clipped when he was just a few days old.  Afterwards his latch was perfect.  He isn’t a comfort nurser and will only eat when he wants food.  Now, he is similar to his older brother in that he signs “milk” and cruises over to the buffet at random times for a quick nibble.

He has easily picked up the sippy cup of water.  Fletcher needed 20 varieties before we found one he could master.  Everett has always taken a bottle when offered one, and so I guess it makes sense that this was also easy.  He can do straws and regular sippy cups.  He is also a lover of food.  I wanted to wait 5 years before starting solids but he demands them.  Now that he is also signing “more” he will let me know when he wants a snack by doing that sign.  He has liked virtually everything he has tried so far.  I mean, look at him, he hasn’t missed a meal!

What I’ll remember most about Everett as a baby will be the way joy is written all over his face.  When he is happy he lights up the room with a huge grin.  As Tyra would say, he even smiles with his big, ice blue eyes.  It is contagious; even when I’m having a bad day he has a way of making me forget about my troubles with that smile.

I have written here before on this topic, but going out with Everett in public is like wearing a sign that says “look at us!”  Everett’s bright blonde hair, blue eyes, and cherubic cheeks attract comments, stares, waves, and smiles.  He thrives on the attention, which means I could be in trouble!

As I also did for Fletcher, I created a slideshow of the first year for Everett.  The family copy is 25 minutes long, but I wanted to share some of our favorite photos and videos with you all as well, which has been edited down to 11 minutes.  You have all been a huge part of his life, and mine.  Many of you were waiting for me to go into labor, and you had to wait much longer than any of us expected.

Even on the worst of days I remind myself of how lucky I am to be Fletcher and Everett’s mother.  Ev has made life crazier, harder, but more importantly, more fun and more loving.  Soon he will be 2, then 3, but for now he is still my baby.

Happy First Birthday, Everett!