As someone who tries to make Earth Day more of an every day occurrence rather than the only day a year I remember to bring my reusable bag to the store, I do still enjoy a reason to celebrate.

This year Earth Day also means that the Great Cloth Diaper Change is tomorrow! This event will set the record for the most cloth diapers changed simultaneously.  There are over 400 locations around the globe, which means some parents will be waking up and heading to their event in the middle of the night!  And in case you didn’t know, I made the official video for the event which stars my baby Everett as he travels the globe having his diaper changed in some very cool places!  The video has been viewed over 10,000 times! I can’t wait to see everyone’s photographs and hear the stories from all of the amazing events! I will be attending the Syracuse, NY location hosted by Basic Baby Shop.

In other exciting news, Kelly Wels, founder of Kelly’s Closet, has written a book about cloth diapers and it is available for order from my affiliate today! The book is called Changing Diapers: The Hip Mom’s Guide to Modern Cloth Diapering.  She is putting all of her years of diaper knowledge into one manual for parents who don’t want to scour the internet for information.  Plus, the book has beautiful cloth diaper photographs.  I can’t wait to read it, I am sure I will even learn some things! (psst…. I also heard DDL and my Cloth Diaper Finder get a mention so I am so excited about that and very grateful to Kelly for thinking of me!) I’m thinking this book will make the perfect baby shower gift! Bundle it with a tiny newborn diaper with ribbon, who could say no to that?

I think I am preaching to the choir here, but cloth diapers have really pointed me in a better direction in terms of my thinking and actions in life and how I treat the planet. I stopped buying harsh cleaning solutions (in a previous life I used Grease Lightening for everything… I went through a bottle every couple of months), I stopped using paper towels, I recycle as mush as possible, and I think more about the origins of the things I buy and where they will end up when I am done with them. I am by no means perfect, but every bit helps. As green becomes cool I am feeling a little more “hip” than “hippy” too!