Today is THE day on the calendar that has a little heart on it.  It is 10-10-10 which has been my due date since my first ultrasound all those months ago!

Let me tell you, I have been in denial about having a baby.  Today was the day I was REALLY hoping to have my son so that he could have an awesome birthday.  It doesn’t look like that is going to happen.  I have had contractions today since 12:45, every 15 minutes apart.  No pain, just tightness.  And they don’t seem to be getting any closer together.  Being that it is almost 4 pm it is unlikely things are going to get going fast enough to have this kid by midnight.

In my head I am suffering from the mainstream medical notion that I should have had a baby by now.  Logically, I know this is not the case.  It is an “estimated due date” and not an “expiration date.”  I don’t need an induction or a C Section because baby isn’t here yet.  He is working on things so hopefully I meet him soon.  Still, I can’t help wishing he were here! (and as I type that I get another contraction, woo hoo!)

I will be sure to let you know how things progress.  We might have a baby by tomorrow.  Or maybe this will all evaporate and he will come later.

Full frontal, stretch marks and all!
Side View: Shirt is working hard!

Taken Today: 40 Weeks!