Update: There is a newer version of this diaper on the market.

I was able to see the Fuzzibunz Elite One Size for the first time, before it was released to the public, at the ABC Kids Expo. I was happy with many of the improvements, the biggest being that they moved the elastic sizing to the inside of the pocket, which kept it from touching the baby’s skin and prevented you from having to re-stuff it in the slot like the previous version.

What confused me was the addition of something called “Nanotechnology.” When I asked about what this was everyone seemed to have either a different answer, or no clue. Not satisfied and still confused, I emailed after the show. Since then Tereson Dupuy took to her blog to explain it and I am still confused. Here is what she wrote (orginal source here):

“Nanotechnology can mean many different things in many different industries and you likely need to be a chemist to understand it. However, our simple explanation is this:

During the waterproofing of the outer layer of fabric (PUL) on FuzziBunz cloth diapers, there is an extra finishing step which helps the fabric prevent leaks through the leg seams, as well as prevent overall wicking around the waist and legs to the outside of the diaper and clothing. Nanotechnology, which simply means smaller particles or fibers, is used in this finish to better protect the waterproofing of the fabric. Finishes have always been used, however most would wash out within 25 washes. The textile industry has been using this type of technology more and more over the last several years to add durability and performance to fabrics such as the ones used in our FuzziBunz cloth diapers.

What is most important for you to know is that FuzziBunz as a company would never use anything harmful in their products AND the diapers have all passed CPSIA testing for harmful chemicals. The finish that is applied that uses nanotechnology is OKEO-TEX 100 certified for use in baby textiles and this is the highest safety rating it can receive. We are extremely confident in the safety of this process and you should be as well.”

I was told in person that the nanotechnology was sewn in and only to the edges. I am not reviewing this aspect of the diaper because I honestly don’t see it coming into play at all. In a way it reminds me of the “Bifidus Regularis” in Activia. A fancy word for something that may or may not be doing something but that you will likely never know, but it is meant to make you think it is pretty swanky.

Now for my review:
Ease of Use ✩✩✩ I much prefer the sizing of this version of the Fuzzibunz One Size to their old sizing. I never had much of a problem with it but only having to size each leg on one end is nice, and the fact that it is in the pocket and never has to be shoved back into a slot is a plus. Adjusting the size isn’t an exact science. You can look to the guide to see where your child would fit, but might still need to go back in and change things if you notice that the fit doesn’t look right. This is not a diaper you want to use between two different sized children in cloth diapers.

Bang for the Buck ✩✩✩ An Elite Fuzibunz will cost you 19.97 at most retailers, unless you catch it on sale. You do get 2 inserts included, and it is “one size.” However, it doesn’t look like it will last my son all the way until he learns the potty. If you have a whole stash of them you might be in a similar situation and need to buy Large sized diapers which adds to your overall cloth diapering cost. You will get a warranty if you buy them new in case something happens, which is good to have.

Performance ✩✩✩ My gut feeling is that the minky inserts aren’t as absorbent as the microfiber ones. I typically never have saturated inserts or any leaks, but I did get two leaks on Everett. Unfortunately the FB is so trim in between the legs that it is hard to double stuff, and double stuffing takes away that nice trim look they have. I just learned to make sure I changed him a little sooner in the FB and used it only during the day.

Fit ✩✩✩✩ For now, the FB Elite fits great on Everett. It looks amazing and trim. He has no more slots on the rise and maybe 1 snap on each side. I feel like he will outgrow the waist unless he remains that size (width) until potty learning. Yes, it is entirely possible because he could continue to grow taller but not wider. And before you ask, I double, triple checked that I had the waist sized to the largest setting. I still heistate in saying it will fit him until potty learning unless I see it for myself. In OS diapers, they either get really small and work for newborns/babies (like the Elite) or last until potty learning and older toddlers. It is almost impossible to get both of those fits in a OS. You have to ask yourself what is more important to you when buying, and research.

Overall: It sounds like I didn’t really like the FB Elite, but I actually did. I still prefer their Perfect Size line of diapers to their OS. I am not sold on the change over to Minky inserts, which are supposed to hold less stink and clean easier than microfiber. That is probably true but they lose some of the absorbency. I am also fine without the addition of “nanotechnology” to my cloth diapers. Regular techonology, just sewing them and making them fit well and absorb urine, is fine. Maybe it is preventing wicking, but since I don’t typically have that issue with any of my pocket diapers I wouldn’t be able to compare.  It honestly feels more like a gimmick than an improvement to cloth diapers.  I like that the FB Elite doesn’t leave snaps visible in the rise, one of the biggest benefits of a slotted leg elastic sizing diaper. The improvements to the placement of the sizing was needed and solved that curling elastic that happened to the old version. And finally- I do really love the new color, Spearmint, that I reviewed. It is beautiful in person and one of my all time favorite cloth diaper colors. It is gender neutral!  I actually think this is a top 3 in terms of how I feel the diaper looks and fits my son in the trim department too.

Where to Buy- Kelly’s Closet (affiliate)