Can change a diaper, even cloth, in under 2 minutes!

Loves the velcro diapers, but doesn’t complain about snaps!

Often forgets to attach the laundry tabs.

Takes all the “easy” diapers first.

Hopes it isn’t a poopy diaper…..

Doesn’t have to take out bags full of stinking disposables to the curb.

Instinctually removes inserts from pockets before putting them in the wet bag.

Always gets the different terms confused, but in a cute way.

Puts the wrong kind of diaper on sometimes, but hey, he is trying!

Even knows many brand names of cloth diapers.

Remembers to leave wool out of the diaper pail, most of the time.

Is grossed out by disposables and thinks they are a waste of money and landfill.

Never complains about spending too much on diapers.

Gives coworkers talks about why they too should use cloth diapers.

Digs having his kid in cute diapers.

Always lets Mom do the diaper laundry, but only because he fears messing it up.

Deserves a special award for being awesome and understanding.

Happy Father’s Day to all of the Cloth Diapering Dads; whether they be active participants, unwilling but coaxable partners, or even just the financial backers of the obsession.

And of course a special Happy Father’s Day to my own husband.  He has been very supportive of cloth diapers (among other things) and has helped me to keep my website going through moral and HTML support.  Plus, he is a great Dad!  Love you Steven!