

Unfortunately my scheduled Fluffy Mama was not able to get her questionnaire filled out so I decided I would give it a shot since it is last minute.


How long have you been cloth diapering?  Since my son was 2 weeks old (and I dabbled in cloth since he came home from the hospital but I didn’t like how my Thirsties covers rubbed his cord stump.)  So, almost 7 months.


One of the first times my son was in cloth.  Wearing a Thirsties XS cover with a prefold.
One of the first times my son was in cloth. Wearing a Thirsties XS cover with a prefold.

What made you decide to start?  I’m not sure what website I came across while I was pregnant, but I remember reading something about cloth diapering and immediately realizing that I was going to do it.  The idea of not producing tons of waste and saving money instantly appealed to me.  

What was your first purchase and why?  The first cloth diapers I bought were from craigslist.  I was going the prefold and covers route for the initial few months until one size diapers would fit.  I bought lots of used covers.  Most were Bummis, but some were Motherease.  


A winning shot in the Bum Genius Photo Contest.
A winning shot in the Bum Genius Photo Contest.

How much do you think you have spent on your diapers total?   I calculated 2 months ago, with a total coming to 500.00 including wet bags and accessories.  I have added and subtracted since then, but I would say I haven’t spent over 600.00. 

My stash, ever evolving
My stash, ever evolving

Have your family/ friends been supportive?  Mostly.  Since I am the one washing, my family and friends are not affected personally by my decision.  Many are encouraging, but most don’t understand why I would “waste” time cloth diapering.  My husband has been very supportive however.  I am lucky to have a husband that supports my ideals and my fluff addiction.

A Gro Baby One Size
A Gro Baby One Size

What has been the most rewarding aspect of cding?  Every time I throw something away in my son’s trash can I know that there are no diapers going in the can.  I don’t have bags and bags of diapers being thrown away every week, and my son has never, ever had a diaper rash!


What is your favorite diaper to use?  The Bum Genius Organic AIO is my favorite, preferably with snaps.  I love how easy it is to put on, how soft the cotton is, how quickly it dries, and how easy it is to wash.

A Bum Genius Organic AIO
A Bum Genius Organic AIO

What has been the biggest challenge to your success at cding?  (ie, washing, money, leakage, fit, etc)  By far, finding a good washing routine has been the hardest.  If you aren’t washing your diapers correctly you will have repelling and leaking issues.  Once you have leaking it is very discouraging.  Early on I had problems with leaking Bum Genius 3.0.  It was most likely a combination of a bad fit (too big on my son) and repelling.  In a few weeks I got everything under control.  I never once thought about giving up, but I did consider using different diapers.  It takes a while to get the hang of cloth, but once you do you will be surprised how easy it can be!


Thanks for reading my answers!  If you want to share your cloth story email me at dirtydiaperlaundry@gmail.com.