The carnage of Fluffy Mail excitement.
The carnage of Fluffy Mail excitement.



Today my mailbox was stuffed!  I got two diapers:  a GAD (Green Acre Designs) in meadow lime with an organic bamboo velour inner and a hemp insert, and a Sweet Pea One Size diaper with 2 microfiber inserts.  These were sent for me to review.  They are currently being prepped and will get the Fletcher treatment soon enough.  I am excited to try the GAD most of all.  This company has a great reputation, not to mention the diaper is way too cute.  It is side snapping, which is something I have wanted to try for a while.  Sweet Pea is a Canadian company, with a few retailers carrying their diapers in the states.  I have also read a great review about their diaper.  It is a snapping one size.  I love my snaps!  Besides these two, I have a Smartipants, ES Baby, and Kissaluvs Marvel review either filmed, or set to be tested.  I am extremely excited about all of the amazing reviews coming up.  I hope everyone is finding them informative.  

If there is a diaper you are dying to see on video, let me know.  I will try and get it to review.  And, if you are a company that would like me to try your diaper and film a review, contact me at