I’ve been keeping a secret for a very long time and it is finally time to spill the beans!  Fuzzibunz are back with new designs and a completely new manufacturing process that will greatly improve their quality.  How do I know all this?  Well… I was given a sneak peek at the new designs prior to their release and also had the chance to chat with the new owners of Fuzzibunz (CRG Icc).

Fuzzibunz Small One Size on a Newborn

For those new on the cloth diapering scene, Fuzzibunz have been around a long time and are considered the first mainstream pocket diaper on the market.  They started with a fleece pocket, then started using waterproof PUL outers and fleece linings.  Their earlier diapers were sized but they later released their One Size diapers that saw several incarnations.  Most notable was the One Size Elite with a narrow pocket that changed widths a few times.  In the cloth diapering world we love NEW but when a diaper design changes too often it can be a bit of a bother.

That’s why when Fuzzibunz changed ownership the first step was to make a consistent product that was a good quality.  They’ve spent over a year testing and re-testing new designs and came up with something slightly different but still very much the same. From my conversation with Roy Couvillion I learned so much about the long and arduous process they went through to re-design the diaper to work better while still looking and feeling the same as the beloved Fuzzibunz brand.  Much of the redesign has come from his experience in solving problems and creating better products.  Usually diapers are designed by mothers to fit their babies and tweaked as time goes on.  In this case he used his design experience in other fields and applied it to cloth diapers to solve the little problems that Fuzzibunz had before.

Fuzzubunz now has TWO One Size Diapers!  Fuzzibunz “Small” One Size and Fuzzibunz “Large” One Size. (Please note the images depict a prototype diaper I was sent so the colors and finishing may be slightly different than the final products)


Both diapers are still adjustable using their numbered slotted leg elastic-same as before.

New Fuzzibunz One Size Comparisons

[typography font=”Cantarell” size=”24″ size_format=”px”]So maybe you are asking… why?[/typography]

One Size diapers typically fit babies from 10 pounds up to 35 or 40 pounds.  Very few fit a newborn well and very few fit a larger toddler well.  Fuzzibunz decided to make two different One Size diapers- they are each adjustable to fit babies of many ranges.  The Small One Size will fit babies beginning at about 7 pounds and the narrow crotch works better for the smallest babies without too much bulk in between.  The Large One Size will start fitting  a bit later and has a wider crotch but will work for longer for larger babies.

New Fuzzibunz Fact Chart

The design is still very similar to the Elite One Size but with thoughtful design choices. The elastic bands are nice and wide- this means a more comfortable fit around the back and the legs for baby (the thinner the elastic the more likely for red marks). The snap placement has been adjusted but you probably won’t even notice it- that was done a tiny amount to help create a better fit. The insert is once again microterry instead of minky. It is also shaped a bit differently and has a contoured shape instead of a rectangular shape and has just 3 layers instead of 4 for better cleaning.

[typography font=”Cantarell” size=”24″ size_format=”px”]How does it work?[/typography]

I’ve been testing both sizes on my own son at night because I wanted to see for myself how they compared to the old version. My son at 3.5 years can still fit the small! It is a “just barely” kind of fit but it will snap on! The OSL (large) fits him best of course and has worked great on him for the occasional accident overnight even with just the one microterry insert. It even has a little room to grow- though he is a peanut for his age at just 30 pounds and it should fit up to 45 pounds.

Fuzzibunz Large One Size on toddler

I even snuck the OSS diaper onto my new baby niece- just born yesterday at 11:30 am- and the small sized down to fit her. She is 7.5 pounds. For her I tightened it in the adjustable waist and all the way down in each leg.  This version should fit up to 30 pounds.  

My only complaint at this point is that stuffing the pocket can take longer using the contoured insert than a rectangular insert when you have to make sure the back is tucked in and flat.  For people who dislike stuffing pockets to begin with this is one more step that adds a small amount of time to that process.

I am out of town for this reveal though I wasn’t supposed to be and my video is at home so that will have to come later on.

What do you think?  Are you going to give the new Fuzzibunz a shot?  They are only at a handful of retailers (DDL affiliate Kelly’s Closet carries them) or on the Fuzzibunz website.