Finding cloth diapers locally can be a challenge, especially for those who live in rural communities.  The internet has an abundance (you might even say, overabundance) of online cloth diaper stores but most are run from home and don’t have a local presence.  There are many who do have brick and mortar stores and these provide an invaluable service to the local community by teaching parents how to use cloth diapers.  Plus the customer service can’t be beat- they are right there to answer any and all questions about your experience.  Unfortunately, we just don’t all have access to these great stores yet.

A friend once quipped that she believed there was a conspiracy in the diaper wars because until recently the ONLY brand of cloth diapers found in almost all big box stores was Gerber.  Gerber brand prefolds, flats, covers, and pins can be found in the “cloth diaper” sections at Target, Wal-Mart, Burlington, Babies r Us, and BuyBuy Baby to name a few.  This representation of the most basic form of cloth diapers only reinforces the stereotype that they are old fashioned and hard to use.  Add to this that the prefolds from Gerber are full of polyester quilt batting (not absorbent) and the flats are undersized and rectangular and you have yourself a sub-par product giving cloth diapers everywhere a bad name.  The cost may be tempting but it is worth looking for another, better brand to try before grabbing the first brand of cloth diapers you see in store.  {For the record I do not suggest buying Gerber brand diapers unless you absolutely have to}

If you are still hoping to find good cloth diapers without having to order online there are still some ways to do so, and you can even save some money while at it by taking advantage of store only coupon codes and saving on shipping costs.  To help get cloth diapers in the public eye  you can also request your local stores to carry these brands if yours doesn’t have them already![hr]


Charlie Banana display in Target

Your local Target store is going to be your best bet for a number of reasons: almost everyone has one within driving distance and they are guaranteed to have at least one cloth diaper- the Flour Sack Towel.

Flour Sack Towels from Target
Flour Sack Towels from Target

Flour Sack Towels are found alongside dish towels and drying cloths in the kitchen area.  They come packaged as a set of 4 for $3.99 (white) and some Targets have them in colors as well.  They are folded to look like rectangles but are mostly square and can be used as an very inexpensive cloth diaper.  They qualify as “flats” just like your grandparents used to use.  They are “one size fit most” because they can be folded into any configuration but the easiest is the “pad fold” which is a rectangle that can be laid inside of a cloth diaper cover.

Charlie Banana Pocket Diapers can also be found in select Target locations.  Not every Target has them so you may want to check by calling ahead to your local store.  These are much pricier and will cost about $20.00 per diaper, which is on par to buying online.  I have a video and review of the Charlie Banana products, click over to learn more.  

bumGenius display at BuyBuy Baby

BuyBuy Baby-

My second choice would be BuyBuy Baby, a one stop shop for everything (and more) that you need for little ones.  This store is overwhelming but they do carry a few varieties of cloth diapers, although the selection may vary by location.

bumGenius 4.0 One Size Pockets can be purchased at BuyBuy Baby now!  These are the diapers that make up the majority of my personal stash and I can’t say enough good things about them.  You can choose from the Hook and Loop or Snaps variety.  They also sell extra inserts, cloth wipes, the bumGenius Diaper Sprayer, and other accessories.  I have reviewed the bumGenius 4.0 and have a video as well.  

gDiapers can also be found in select BuyBuy Baby stores.  These are a hybrid diaper but can be used as a full cloth diaper as well if you buy the gCloth inserts or use another variety.  A cheap replacement would be flats or flour sack towels.  Watch the video demonstration and read my review of gDiapers.  

Dappi diaper covers and pinless diapers (an oldie but goodie) has been seen in select BuyBuy Baby stores as well.

CoCalo diaper and shirt combo from Babies 'R Us

Babies ‘R Us

This chain of retail stores is pretty wide spread and ou might luck into finding a cloth diaper brand or two.

CoCalo cloth diapers are sold in select Babies ‘r Us store locations.  This is a brand I have no experience with yet but they function like a cover with a large open gusset and have stay dry inserts that lay inside.  They look much like the Mabu Baby brand but come in prints.  A Starter Kit will run about $25.00.  They also sell combinations of cute shirts and matching diapers.

Wal-Mart shelves. Image via Photobucket


Recently Wal-Mart began carrying a line of cloth diapers in store that no one had even heard of.  It was a bit disappointing considering they already carried a reputable brand online, but we’ll take what we can get.

Mabu Baby cloth diapers are carried exclusively by Wal-Mart for the time being.  I have a review of their system, and while I can’t say it was a stand-out favorite, it worked well and got the job done.  The diapers come in white only and are sold in easy to understand packaging.  My one word of caution would be that the sizing runs very large.  Check their website to see which Wal-Marts carry them in store.  You can view a video on how to use the diaper and read my review here.  

Mainstay brand Flour Sack Towels in White or Colors are also available in almost all Wal-Mart stores and work as flat cloth diapers.  Learn more about how to use flats.

gDiapers are also sold in some Wal-Mart locations.


This chain of stores is one that is beyond my reach completely but readers have seen a few brands here, maybe you have too!

Cutey Baby brand cloth diapers have been found in select Meijer stores (check availability).  These are also similar to Mabu Baby and CoCalo brands with a cover and wide open gusset to lay in a cloth insert.  I’ve only had experience with these second hand and the reviews weren’t glowing but they did recently imprive the design.  I would be cautious with this brand and try one before committing to the entire set or buying many of them.

gDiapers have been spotted in Meijer stores as well.[hr]

Cutey Baby in HEB stores

Grocery Stores-

gDiapers is carried by a few grocery store chains.  Again, check with your actual store before betting they will have it.  They have ben spotted in Wegmans, Earth Fare, and Whole Foods.  You can opt not to use the hybrid inserts, which are expensive, and use cloth inserts instead to make it a full cloth system.

Cutey Baby have been seen at a few HEB stores as well.  [hr]

Other Stores-

Ikea carries burp cloths that work great as flat cloth diapers.  I personally use them and find them to be better than the Target Flour Sack Towels.

Another place to look for cloth diapers locally would be at your kids consignment and resale shops.  If you are a frequent visitor you might luck into them, or you can leave a request with the staff and be notified when some come in (if they are nice.)  I went to a large consignment event where parents tag their own items and put them for sale.  I saw 2 GEN-Y covers for $10!

I’ve seen cloth diapers creep up in random stores like TJ Maxx, Ross, and Marshalls.  Other discount/overstock stores might get them in on occasion as well.  Not a reliable place to look by any means but stranger things have happened.

Some “flea market” style shops that rent out booths will sometimes have cloth diaper products represented.  Here in North Carolina a chain called Black Lion has a booth with cloth diapers.  Regional and Farmer’s Markets have also been known to have WAHM’s representing their online store or homemade cloth diapers.

Have you seen cloth diapers in a chain store that I missed or a brand that wasn’t mentioned?  Please tell in the comments!