Today I have 2 reviews!  The first is for the Envibum One Size which is an All-in-One.  The diaper reminds me of the muppets because it has minky on the outside.  I reviewed the Envibum in blue, and couldn’t help but think of the Cookie Monster.  I can’t even say enough good things about this company because they donate 2.00 from every diaper purchase (Envibum) to a color coordinated charity.  If you buy an Aqua diaper, 2.00 goes to Living Water.  The diapers are made in the US as well.

As for the Mom4Mom cover, this diaper is unque because it is a true rinse and reuse cover.  It is laminate PUL inside and out, and has velcro closures.  This diaper is designed with handwashing in mind, though it can certainly be washed in a machine.  The T Shaped Liner is a very easy to use diaper.  The video will explain it better.  I will admit to not having the best fit in the video, but When tucked towards my son I always had a great fit.

Envibum Review:

Ease of Use ✰✰✰✰ The Envibum has velcro closures (with laundry tabs) that making applying the diaper on your baby very simple.  There is no size adjustment, so even with it being one size, you just need to pull it on the baby.  I did feel as I put the diaper on him, the size growing to accommodate him.  It is an AIO, no stuffing, but you can buy additional soaker pads to insert in the pocket of the diaper if you need them.

Bang for the Buck ✰✰✰✰ 21.95 gets one Envibum diaper.  Seems pricey, but remember you are getting Minky, adorable designs of the velcro (seriously, how unique are those?), the diapers are made in the US, and you are supporting a charity.  These really are well made diapers and you can tell when you use and see them.

Performance ✰✰✰✰ I only used this diaper for daytime and naps for reviewing.  I never used it at night because of the waffle fabric on the inside, I would rather my son sleep in something smoother for that long at night.  No leaks at all, and no wicking.  The PUL is hidden under the minky fabric and everything worked as it should!

Fit ✰✰✰✰ I thought the diaper fit my son very well around his legs and back.  I can’t speak to how it fits on a smaller baby or larger toddler.  I would love to test it out again once I have a smaller baby and see how things go.  Because you cannot adjust it how you want, you rely on the diaper to adjust itself, it is a strange feeling of helplessness.  I am happy it fit my son well!

Overall–  I love many things about these diapers.  They look adorable, the minky is soft and comes in fun and bright colors, The size adjustment is very unique, and they were absorbent enough for my taste.  I would like to see an option for a plain cotton lining on the inside for parents who prefer that material over the waffled cotton.  The diaper is bulky because it is minky and due to the thicker fabric on the inside.  I had trouble getting pants over it.  I also had problems with my son removing the diaper himself since it is velcro.

Mom4Mom cover and T Shaped Liner Review:

Ease of Use ✰✰✰ While I can honestly say both the cover and diaper are easy to use, it certainly isn’t the same as putting an AIO or pocket diaper on.  I did find it easier to put the diaper on my son than prefolds.  he is not the most patient on the changing table.  I laid the diaper under him, then pulled it over and tucked it under so that it fit under his belly button.  In the video I fold out, but only because folding under would have exposed him.  I used a snappi which gave me a very great fit.

Bang for the Buck ✰✰✰ The cover is 12.99 and the T Shaped liner is 9.99.   I feel like they might be a little more than I would be willing to spend for these items, but they certainly are not “pricey.”  That being said, your Mom4Mom cover makes another cover donation possible.  Thus the title.  And of course these are also made in the US.
Performance ✰✰✰✰ I have to say that I really enjoyed the T Shaped Liner!  I was unsure how I would like it.  It is so simple to use!  I got an awesome fit with it, and I am sure it will fit many sized babies well also.  The cover fit well also, but you want to unscrunch it some so it looks nice on.  Together I had leakproof days.

Fit ✰✰✰✰ The cover was a good fit for my son, and I can tell there is room for growth both in rise and in width.  On a smaller baby it would just be scrunchier looking.  The T Shaped liner had an impressive fit on him.  It might take a little practice for some but so worth it for a simple, effective diaper.

Overall- I find this combo a very exciting opportunity for families with limited access to laundry facilities.  The cover can be easily rinsed and reused.  If you are a camping and cloth diapering family the cover is perfect for you!  The liner is also something that can be handwashed it needed and would dry fairly quickly on the line.  A few of each would help a low income family who needs a diapering solution for their baby.

Where to buy:

An Envibum AIO, Mom4Mom cover, and T Shaped liner were sent by Envibum free of charge for the purposes of this review.  No other compensation was received and all opinions are 100% my own and genuine.